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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dispositive \Dis*pos"i*tive\, a. [Cf. F. dispositif.]

  1. Disposing; tending to regulate; decretive. [Obs.]

    His dispositive wisdom and power.

  2. Belonging to disposition or natural, tendency. [Obs.] ``Dispositive holiness.''
    --Jer. Taylor.


a. Intending to or resulting in disposition (disposing of or settling a matter).

Usage examples of "dispositive".

The left’s dogmatic refusal to acknowledge any facts that contradict their ideology—such as the now dispositive data on concealed carry laws—is known as thinking “outside the box.

The left's dogmatic refusal to acknowledge any facts that contradict their ideology—such as the now dispositive data on concealed carry laws—is known as thinking "outside the box.