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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Disdainful \Dis*dain"ful\, a. Full of disdain; expressing disdain; scornful; contemptuous; haughty.

From these Turning disdainful to an equal good.
--Akenside. -- Dis*dain"ful*ly, adv. -- Dis*dain"ful*ness, n.


adv. In a disdainful manner.

  1. adv. in a proud and domineering manner; "he treated his staff cavalierly" [syn: cavalierly]

  2. without respect; in a disdainful manner; "she spoke of him contemptuously" [syn: contemptuously, scornfully, contumeliously, showing contempt]

Usage examples of "disdainfully".

So saying I flung a purse of gold on the table, but Farsetti, who was by no means sure of what he was saying, answered disdainfully that he never betted.

Spanish moss from the pillared veranda of an antebellum mansion by an imposing liveried black, the sun gleaming on the strong lineaments of his brow arching disdainfully as a decrepit horse and buggy bearing an aging woman and a handsome intense young man standing to snap his whip imperiously came close for an exchange of unheard words to be pointed scornfully on their way, glimpsed from behind a curtain by a ravishingly beautiful young woman in negligee in their retreat back down the drive.

Jennet sniffed disdainfully, completely forgetting that she still had moments when she believed Appleton Manor might have a resident ghost.

The hills surrounding Drake Field were in the full lush greenery of late springtime, and the air was the fragrant Bodarks ozone that is found nowhere else on earth, but he sniffed it as if it came from a sewage plant, and he looked around disdainfully at his surroundings until his eyes came to rest on me, and he gave me a look as if sizing me up for the casting couch and finding me not worthy of it.

If it presents itself too often to his mind, he expels it disdainfully!

The men-at-arms had returned to their positions, looking disdainfully at the mob that growled and howled and bestially tore.

As I did my big grey tom, Mister, bounded down from his place on top of one of the bookshelves, but rather than give me his usual shoulder-block of greeting, he flicked his tail disdainfully at me and ghosted out the front door.

For a moment Clutching Hand looked him over disdainfully at the clumsy lie.

Worf said disdainfully as Dax let out one of his belly laughs—.

Silence, as an elderly lady with a jutting, sour mouth walked her cairn terrier past, glancing disdainfully at them.

He camped that night in a small side gully, a dry camp where he shared with Rain the contents of one of his canteens, and the stallion grazed disdainfully on some bunches of coarse grass already browning to summer death.

His footwoman had gotten in, disdainfully aloof, and then during flight had elaborately ignored Flick.

Randolph Payne surveyed the junk with which his shack was filled: eviscerated radios, a topless refrigerator, rusty automobile engines, a broken-down gas range, several miles of frayed wire, and, taking it all together, fifty tons or thereabouts of the most heterogeneous mass of old metal as ever caused a junkman to sniff disdainfully.

The worthy woman glowered and shuddered disdainfully at his suggestion.

The bird looked disdainfully toward the shambles aboard the Horn of Plenty.