The Collaborative International Dictionary
Contemptuously \Con*temp"tu*ous*ly\, adv. In a contemptuous manner; with scorn or disdain; despitefully.
The apostles and most eminent Christians were poor, and
used contemptuously.
--Jer. Taylor.
adv. In a disrespectful or discourteous manner; condescendingly.
adv. without respect; in a disdainful manner; "she spoke of him contemptuously" [syn: disdainfully, scornfully, contumeliously, showing contempt]
Usage examples of "contemptuously".
Then he raised the heavy spear to drive it through the mighty heart, and still Tarzan of the Apes smiled contemptuously upon him.
Then, on a column sweep, Taft turned the corner and picked up speed just as a lane opened and suddenly he was gone, out into open territory, and I watched from my knees as he dipped and swerved and cut past a cornerback, one motion, accelerating off the cut and heading straight for the last man, the free safety, and then veering off just slightly, almost contemptuously, not bothering to waste a good hipfake, still operating on that first immaculate thrust, cruising downhill from there.
The Whigs treated the Young Irelanders contemptuously, but endeavoured by every means in their power to conciliate the old repeal party.
Those were the Mongols of the occupying garrison, all dressed in armor of varnished hides or metal chain mail, and striding contemptuously through the street crowds, shoving aside anybody who stepped in their way.
Now her finery, her paste jewels and her enormous super-imposition of black hair hung up in the green room and she wore a drab rag of coarse hemp for the final scene of her desperate decline, when, outrageous nymphomaniac, she practised extraordinary necrophilies on the bloated corpses the sea tossed contemptuously at her feet for her dry rapacity had become entirely mechanical and still she repeated her former actions though she herself was utterly other.
Owain was a target for a dozen spears, but most missed and the others he swept contemptuously aside with spear or shield before mocking the throwers.
It shows how the Volksraad contemptuously rejected, in 1897, a petition signed by more than ten thousand inhabitants of all nationalities and all professions.
By using that term as she did, mistrustfully and contemptuously, she announced herself as, in germ, an anti-Clerical as thoroughgoing as Voltaire or Anatole France.
Cirron snorted contemptuously at the lovingly tended bed of orchids, pulling his sword in preparation to chop them to bits.
The four K'Chain Che'Malle had left him, contemptuously, knowing he would not rise again and immune to mercy.
Them Avshar seemed to recognize, for he bowed contemptuously in the saddle and gave a mocking wave as he slung his bow over an armored shoulder and rode from that part of the field.
Giorgio said, addressing the corpse contemptuously, then stalked to the jeep.
In the evening I went to the theatre, and found my Corticelli clad in a pretty cloak, while the other girls looked at me contemptuously, for they were enraged at the place being taken.
And thus he continued on, while my colour came and went several times, with indignation, to hear our noble country, the mistress of arts and arms, the scourge of France, the arbitress of Europe, the seat of virtue, piety, honour, and truth, the pride and envy of the world, so contemptuously treated.
When I handed my partner to her place, who certainly was the prettiest girl in the room, she looked rather contemptuously at me, and observed to a neighbour, "I really pity de gentleman as come from England dat no know how to dance, nor nothing at all, until em hab instruction at Barbadoes.