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n. (plural of discrimination English)

Usage examples of "discriminations".

We must endeavor then to make this the price of an admission into their West Indies, and to those who refuse the admission we must refuse our commerce or load theirs by odious discriminations in our ports.

In levying duties for revenue it is doubtless proper to make such discriminations within the revenue principle as will afford incidental protection to our home interests.

The incidental protection afforded to our home interests by discriminations within the revenue range it is believed will be ample.

In making discriminations all our home interests should as far as practicable be equally protected.

Z, Garr, the exquisite discriminations of Hagedorn society came to Claghorn as easily as swimming to a fish.

I have never known them to covet our material possessions, and they show no tendency toward what we consider the concomitants of civilization: fine discriminations of sensation and the like.

But subtle distinctions and fine discriminations will have to wait until we know them better and understand them.

Hence it was that less attention was paid to taxation, to railroad rates and discriminations, to elevator companies, to grain gamblers, or to corporations as such.

And when he boasted of his subtle discriminations, though he boasted flippantly, he spoke no less than the truth.