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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
diplomatic corps
▪ For all of its own bureaucratic strictures, the diplomatic corps had the sympathetic ears that Liang was looking for.
▪ In Chongqing, Joe sought out contacts who could introduce him to the upper levels of the government and diplomatic corps.
diplomatic corps

n. the body of diplomatic personnel [syn: diplomatic service, corps diplomatique]

Diplomatic corps

The diplomatic corps or corps diplomatique is the collective body of foreign diplomats accredited to a particular country or body.

The diplomatic corps may, in certain contexts, refer to the collection of accredited heads of mission ( ambassadors, high commissioners, and others) who represent their countries in another state or country. As a body, they usually only assemble to attend state functions like a coronation, inauguration, national day or State Opening of Parliament, depending on local custom. They may also assemble in the royal or presidential palace to give their own head of state's New Year greeting to the head of state of the country in which they are based.

The term is sometimes confused with the collective body of diplomats from a particular country—the proper term for which is diplomatic service. The diplomatic corps is not always given any formal recognition by its host country, but can be referenced by official orders of precedence.

In many countries, and especially in Africa, the heads and the foreign members of the country offices of major international organizations ( United Nations agencies, the European Union, the International Committee of the Red Cross, agencies of the African Union, etc.) are considered members—and granted the rights and privileges—of the diplomatic corps.

Diplomatic vehicles in most countries have distinctive diplomatic license plates, often with the prefix or suffix CD, the abbreviation for the French corps diplomatique.

Usage examples of "diplomatic corps".

I'm sure Gregor can find you a place in the diplomatic corps after this, if you want it.

According to him, the war weighs heavily on the Russians, but Russia is still strong, and, in the judgment of the diplomatic corps in Kuibyshev, Axis stock is falling.

He did not find Prince Andrew in Olmutz that day, but the appearance of the town where the headquarters and the diplomatic corps were stationed and the two Emperors were living with their suites, households, and courts only strengthened his desire to belong to that higher world.

She cultivated an aloof expression, looking down her patrician nose at people when she spoke to them in the slow drawl affected by members of the Diplomatic Corps.

Because if we could narrow it down or confirm it's the same bunch who're after the Muscovite diplomatic corps, it would make things much easier—.

As she listened to Lu speak of the startling success of the Chinese military and diplomatic corps, as they talked of increased prosperity and influence, as they watched the Hsu’.

I'm late for a dinner the President is giving for the diplomatic corps, and I'm tired of waiting around for people who can't tell time.

For once, he was glad that diplomatic corps conservatism stuck die embassy widi steamers.

When he did, the warden saw the telltale CO plate of the Diplomatic Corps next to the registration plate.

Once construction is completed, the 'Radiant VII' begins service in the diplomatic corps of Coruscant.

All men have their vices, and Jon Beerdmens, Diplomatic Corps chief, had his: eating.

It was not the obscenity of the metaphor that astonished the Brigadier as much as the fact that a senior member of the Confederation diplomatic corps could talk like a Marine.