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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Corps diplomatique

Corps \Corps\ (k[=o]r, pl. k[=o]rz), n. sing. & pl. [F., fr. L. corpus body. See Corpse.]

  1. The human body, whether living or dead. [Obs.] See Corpse, 1.

    By what craft in my corps, it cometh [commences] and where.
    --Piers Plowman.

  2. A body of men; esp., an organized division of the military establishment; as, the marine corps; the corps of topographical engineers; specifically, an army corps.

    A corps operating with an army should consist of three divisions of the line, a brigade of artillery, and a regiment of cavalry.
    --Gen. Upton (U. S. Tactics. )

  3. A body or code of laws. [Obs.]

    The whole corps of the law.

  4. (Eccl.) The land with which a prebend or other ecclesiastical office is endowed. [Obs.]

    The prebendaries over and above their reserved rents have a corps.

  5. [Ger.] In some countries of Europe, a form of students' social society binding the members to strict adherence to certain student customs and its code of honor; -- Ger. spelling usually korps.

    Army corps, or (French) Corps d'arm['e]e (k[-o]r` d[aum]r`m[asl]"), a body containing two or more divisions of a large army, organized as a complete army in itself.

    Corps de logis (k[-o]r` de l[-o]`zh[-e]") [F., body of the house], the principal mass of a building, considered apart from its wings.

    Corps diplomatique (k?r d?`pl?`m?-t?k") [F., diplomatic body], the body of ministers or envoys accredited to a government.

corps diplomatique

n. the body of diplomatic personnel [syn: diplomatic service, diplomatic corps]

Usage examples of "corps diplomatique".

The Mercedes carried the CD insignia and Corps Diplomatique license plates.

He pointed to a 1941 Chevrolet sedan with Corps Diplomatique license tags parked directly in front of the mansion.

At any rate, that which was only slightly known, that which was not matter of conversation even between members of the corps diplomatique, two guests, distinguished by no uniform, no decoration, at this reception in the New Palace, discussed in a low voice, and with apparently very correct information.

This one, moreover, bore Berlin license plates, a CD (Corps Diplomatique) plate, and, affixed to the Berlin license tag where the tax sticker was supposed to go, a sticker signifying that taxes had been waived because the automobile was in the service of the German Reich, and specific'xy in the service of the SS-SD.

This one, moreover, bore Berlin license plates, a CD (Corps Diplomatique) plate, and affixed to the Berlin license tag where the tax sticker was supposed to go, a sticker signifying that taxes had been waived because the automobile was in the service of the German Reich, and specifically in the service of the SS-SD.

He is an amiable and experienced diplomat -- and the most dedicated lecher in the entire corps diplomatique.

I have, as you know, Julia, from my situation here, as one of his majesty's corps diplomatique, great power, and I shall forbid the banns.

Muna explained that as far as the Corps Diplomatique of France was concerned, the Iraqi Ambassador was to be treated only as a Head of Interest Section, although they were to address him at all times as 'Your Excellency' or 'Ambassador'.