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Dinosaur'us is a platform and role-playing video game developed by RFX Interactive and published by Electronic Arts. It was released exclusively for Nintendo's Game Boy Color on 2 February 2001 in the United Kingdom. However, its release was cancelled in the United States.

The gameplay involved the player taking control of a newly hatched baby dinosaur and controlling it around the game, avoiding hazards and pits like in platform games. However, in addition, enemies were fought in turn-based fashion like on the Pokémon games which were popular on the same console at the same time. Health lost in battles with enemies could be regained in the platform play.

Multiplayer battles were available on the game via a link cable. said of the game "Dinosaur’ Us as a complete game is well crafted, with a good balance between the two genres. This rare quality in a game will make it more appealing and accessible to a much larger audience".