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n. Any of the genus (taxlink Dichondra genus noshow=1) of prostrate perennial herbaceous plants with creeping stems.


n. a creeping perennial herb with hairy stems and orbicular to reniform leaves and small white to greenish flowers; used as a grass substitute in warm regions [syn: Dichondra micrantha]


Dichondra is a small genus of flowering plants in the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. They are prostrate, perennial, herbaceous plants, with creeping stems which take root readily at the leaf nodes. The flowers are white, greenish or yellowish, 2–3 mm diameter.

The number of species is disputed, with some authors dividing the genus regionally into about ten separate species, while others accept only two species. Members of the genus are commonly known as ponysfoots and are native to tropical and warm temperate regions around the world.

The genus name is derived from the Greek words δίς (dis), meaning "two", and χόνδρος (chondros), meaning "grain". It refers to the fruits.

Usage examples of "dichondra".

Tile-roofed ego monuments perched atop hillocks of Bermuda grass and dichondra, embellished by hostile gates, tennis court sheeting, and the requisite battalions of German cars.