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The dibatag (Ammodorcas clarkei), or Clarke's gazelle, is a medium-sized slender antelope endemic to Ethiopia and Somalia. Though not a true gazelle, it is similarly marked, with long legs and neck. It is often confused with the gerenuk due to their striking resemblance. The typical head-and-body length is about . They stand up to about . Male dibatag weigh between , whereas females range from . The length of the curved horns, present only on males, is typically between . The upper parts are gray to fawn, while the dorsal and lateral areas are cinnamon to rufous (reddish brown). The underparts, rump and the insides of the legs are all white. While markings are visible on the face, there are none on the flanks or the buttocks.

Dibatag are alert and secretive, and their brown coat provides an excellent camouflage, making the dibatag one of the antelopes most difficult to hunt. They are diurnal animals, and navigate in very small herds. Both sexes attain sexual maturity at 12 to 18 months. The species is polygynous. After a gestational period of six to seven months, a single offspring is born. Parturition usually occurs from September to November. The lifespan typically averages 10 to 12 years. Dibatag may maintain temporary territories demarcated by preorbital gland secretions, urine or faeces. Primarily browsers, the dibatag feed on foliage and young shoots and shrubs. Dibatag are well adapted to semi-arid habitats, with the capability of surviving on very little or no water.

Several factors including human settlement, habitat degradation, large numbers of livestock, political unrest and armed conflicts in the areas covering its range and lack of conservation measures for two to three decades in the late 20th century have now reduced the population to only a few thousands. Significant populations still occur in southern Ogaden (Ethiopia). The dibatag is listed by the IUCN as " Vulnerable".