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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dial \Di"al\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Dialedor Dialled; p. pr. & vb. n. Dialing or Dialling.]

  1. To measure with a dial.

    Hours of that true time which is dialed in heaven.

  2. (Mining) To survey with a dial.


alt. (context British English) (en-past of: dial) vb. (context British English) (en-past of: dial)

  1. n. the face of a timepiece; graduated to show the hours

  2. the control on a radio or television set that is used for tuning

  3. the circular graduated indicator on various measuring instruments

  4. a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for each number called [syn: telephone dial]

  5. [also: dialling, dialled]

  1. v. operate a dial to select a telephone number; "You must take the receiver off the hook before you dial"

  2. choose by means of a dial; "dial a telephone number"

  3. [also: dialling, dialled]


See dial

Usage examples of "dialled".

The driver dialled a number and the ring tone filled the quiet vehicle.

She wrote their number in pencil on a scrap of paper from her pocketbook and then dialled it immediately.

Then she returned to her desk and picked up her telephone and dialled a number eleven thousand miles away in New York.

He clicked the button again and dialled a real-estate broker who owed him serious money.

O'Hallinan dialled the number and reached the desk sergeant on the tenth ring.

When the door closed and locked behind them, he picked up his phone and dialled nine for a line and then a ten-figure number starting with the New York City area code.

As I dialled he said apologetically, "I'm afraid Cavell is no longer in the Army sir.

I drove to a telephone-box which I judged to be a circumspect distance from the police headquarters and dialled the number de Graaf had given me.

He let it ring for perhaps fifteen seconds then dialled again while de Graaf watched him at first in perplexity, then in apprehension then with the sick dawning of understanding.

Ten minutes later, he stopped beside a phone box, dialled the number of theBelfast Telegraph, asked for the news desk and claimed responsibility for the shooting of Hans Wolfgang Baum on behalf of the Provisional IRA.

He sat there for a while thinking about it, then dialled the number Ferguson had given him.

He went into the phone box at the end of the village street by the pub and dialled a Dublin number.

Hurried across the fairground to the public phone box and dialled Ferguson's number.

He dialled rapidly, fingers tapping the old familiar keys which added up to home, and wondered if he would tell Amy about Bump.

He was about to hang up when there was one final click - so loud it was almost a thud - followed by a robot voice telling him that the number he had dialled was out of service.