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alt. (present participle of diagram English) vb. (present participle of diagram English)


n. providing a chart or outline of a system [syn: schematization, schematisation]

  1. n. a drawing intended to explain how something works; a drawing showing the relation between the parts

  2. v. make a schematic or technical drawing of that shows how things work or how they are constructed [syn: plot]

  3. [also: diagramming, diagrammed]


See diagram

Usage examples of "diagramming".

She hates all that diagramming they have to do, and I think myself it's a waste of time.

It was drawn with the stilted care one devoted, she imagined, to diagramming a map when lost in the woods or, she also imagined, when tracing hieroglyphics—drawn solemnly in an attempt to decode some meaning or guidance.

The Loop flickered into being, diagramming the chances of an imminent attack – .