Devta is a serialized fantasy thriller novel written in the Urdu language by Mohiuddin Nawab. It was published monthly for 33 years in the Pakistani magazine Suspense Digest from 1977 to 2010. Devta is the fictional autobiography of Farhad Ali Taimoor, a man who gained amazing telepathic powers.
The author Mohiuddin Nawab, a well-known social story writer of Pakistan, has written more than 500 stories, both short stories and novel-length, mostly published in Suspense Digest, a monthly magazine published in Karachi and available in Pakistan, India, and various parts of the world where Urdu is spoken. He has also written screenplays for film and television.
Spanning 56 volumes and 11,206,310 words, Devta is the longest continuously-published stories on record. It was started in February, 1977 and appeared every month in Suspense Digest, with its concluding chapter published in January 2010.
Devta is a 1998 Hindi-language Indian feature film directed by Jagdish A Sharma, starring Mithun Chakraborty, Aditya Pancholi, Ayushi, Payal Malhotra, Aoon Bakshi, Kiran Kumar and Tej Sapru
Devta is a 1956 Hindi partly coloured swashbuckler film written by Sadasiva Bramham and directed by Pattana. The film had Vyjayanthimala in the title role with Gemini Ganesan and Anjali Devi in the lead while Agha, Bipin gupta, Daisy Irani, Krishna Kumari and M. N. Nambiar forms an ensemble cast. The film was produced by Narayanan Iyengar with his production company, Narayanan Company. The music was composed by C. Ramchandra with lyrics provided by Rajendra Krishan. The film was a remake of hugely successful Tamil film called Kanavaney Kankanda Deivam.