Crossword clues for despite
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Despite \De*spite"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Despited; p. pr. &
vb. n. Despiting.] [OF. despitier, fr. L. despectare,
intens. of despicere. See Despite, n.]
To vex; to annoy; to offend contemptuously. [Obs.]
--Sir W.
Despite \De*spite"\, prep. In spite of; against, or in defiance of; notwithstanding; as, despite his prejudices.
Syn: See Notwithstanding.
Despite \De*spite"\, n. [OF. despit, F. d['e]pit, fr. L. despectus contempt, fr. despicere. See Despise, and cf. Spite, Despect.]
Malice; malignity; spite; malicious anger; contemptuous hate.
With all thy despite against the land of Israel.
--Ezek. xxv. 6. -
An act of malice, hatred, or defiance; contemptuous defiance; a deed of contempt.
A despite done against the Most High.
--Milton.In despite, in defiance of another's power or inclination.
In despite of, in defiance of; in spite of. See under Spite. ``Seized my hand in despite of my efforts to the contrary.''
--W. Irving.In your despite, in defiance or contempt of you; in spite of you. [Obs.]
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
c.1300, originally a noun, from Old French despit (12c., Modern French dépit), from Latin despectus "a looking down on, scorn, contempt," from past participle of despicere (see despise).\n
\nThe preposition (early 15c.) is short for in despite of (late 13c.), a loan-translation of Old French en despit de "in contempt of." Almost became despight during 16c. spelling reform.
n. 1 (context obsolete English) disdain, contemptuous feelings, hatred. 2 (context archaic English) Action or behaviour displaying such feelings; an outrage, insult. 3 Evil feeling; malice, spite. prep. in spite of, notwithstanding, nonetheless. vb. (context obsolete English) To vex; to annoy; to offend contemptuously.
Despite is a Metal band from Gothenburg, Sweden. The band was formed in 1998. Their debut indie album, "In Your Despite" was released in Sweden in March 2009. The album contains a song called ”MindPlague” with guest vocals supplied by Knut Agnred, a renowned Swedish singer and member of the very popular comedy group ” Galenskaparna och After Shave”. In October 2010 the band released their second indie album titled "Clenched". This time the famous producer Andreas Kleerup helped them out on the track "Commander of Hate". Later the band parted ways with their singer Alex, and Peter Tuthill (ex member of Carnal Forge, Godsic and Construcdead) joined as their new lead singer in December 2012. During the spring of 2013 Despite entered " Crehate Studios" to record " EPic", released in the beginning of 2014. The album was well received among the metal community. MusicReviewRadar wrote "EPic is a refreshing, solid and heavy as f**k album that stands out from the crowd (...) Despite seem to be the real deal, ready to leave the underground and dazzle the entire world with their amazing nordic metal for a really long time". On November 10, 2014 the new standalone single "Chaos Trigger" was released. VH1 featured Despite among "15 MORE Metal Bands You Should Be Listening To In 2015". In December 2014 bassist Mathias Dagerhed decided to quit, and a replacement was found in Anthony Cui. At the same time Despite decided to add a third guitarist to the line-up, and Zoran Panovic was recruited. In 2015, they released the single "Praedonum". This was also the last recording featuring drummer Oscar Nilsson, who left the band to concentrate more on his studio. Drummer Janne Jaloma (ex Deals Death and Bloodshot Dawn) was recruited shortly after Oscar's departure. In late 2015-early 2016 Despite recorded their first full length album " Synergi" which features 13 tracks and is scheduled for release on July 22, 2016. This is also the first Despite album to be released through Eclipse Records. In May 2016 guitarist and founding member Timmy Leng decided to leave Despite to devote himself 100% to his family. A new guitarist was found in Eldor Pettersson in May 2016.
Despite may refer to:
- A preposition
- Despite (band), A Swedish metal band
- USS Despite (AM-89), an Adroit-class minesweeper of the United States Navy
Usage examples of "despite".
Despite years in the Line Marines he still spoke with the crisp accents of his native Churchill.
Through February and March, despite the weather, Adams kept on the move, traveling back and forth between Amsterdam, Leyden, and The Hague, conferring with as many of his Dutch friends and contacts as possible.
They clung to their quaint customs and to their own little god, Adonai, despite his impotence before Marduk.
Despite her brave assertions to Adonis, however, she realized that she really had no desire to resume her former life under the present circumstances.
Despite the severe winters, he realized that, with so many people escaping the warmer climates where the aeroplankton throve, real estate swindles would keep him with plenty to do.
Despite the closeness of their birth dates, their aesthetics belong to two different eras in the novels history.
He was a burly, slow-speaking man who, despite his Afrikaner blood, had been born and lived in the country all his life.
Despite their nine months together, Sonny is still not certain whether the woolly Afro Marietta wears is a wig.
I wondered if the visitors to the other rooms of the Museum realized, as I realized, that despite the blazing sunlight of tropical London, the shadow of Hassan of Aleppo lay starkly on that haunted building?
For despite their madness, the Hare and Hatter here seem to know a good deal more than Alice does about the relations between meaning and saying.
I could not approve of her, but I was disinclined to condemn, for that would have meant an end to our acquaintance and, despite everything, her company pleased me.
For the next seven years, despite repeated strokes, my grandfather worked at a small desk, piecing together the legendary fragments into a larger mosaic, adding a stanza here, a coda there, soldering an anapest or an iamb.
Above him the dark sky was limned with gold, the lights of Los Angeles, but despite that light and the thin cloud cover he could see a scattering of stars.
She broke the story of his antidrug crusade and continued to trumpet it despite intense criticism.
The problem of the exact location of the tomb of Antinous is still unsolved, despite the arguments of C.