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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Design \De*sign"\ (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Designed; p. pr. & vb. n. Designing.] [F. d['e]signer to designate, cf. F. dessiner to draw, dessin drawing, dessein a plan or scheme; all, ultimately, from L. designare to designate; de- + signare to mark, mark out, signum mark, sign. See Sign, and cf. Design, n., Designate.]

  1. To draw preliminary outline or main features of; to sketch for a pattern or model; to delineate; to trace out; to draw.

  2. To mark out and exhibit; to designate; to indicate; to show; to point out; to appoint.

    We shall see Justice design the victor's chivalry.

    Meet me to-morrow where the master And this fraternity shall design.
    --Beau. & Fl.

  3. To create or produce, as a work of art; to form a plan or scheme of; to form in idea; to invent; to project; to lay out in the mind; as, a man designs an essay, a poem, a statue, or a cathedral.

  4. To intend or purpose; -- usually with for before the remote object, but sometimes with to.

    Ask of politicians the end for which laws were originally designed.

    He was designed to the study of the law.

    Syn: To sketch; plan; purpose; intend; propose; project; mean.


Designing \De*sign"ing\, a. Intriguing; artful; scheming; as, a designing man.


Designing \De*sign"ing\, n. The act of making designs or sketches; the act of forming designs or plans.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"scheming," 1670s, present participle adjective from design (v.).

  1. artful; scheming n. A process of design. v

  2. (present participle of design English)

  1. adj. concealing crafty designs for advancing your own interest; "a selfish and designing nation obsessed with the dark schemes of European intrigue"- W.Churchill; "a scheming wife"; "a scheming gold digger" [syn: scheming]

  2. n. the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument" [syn: design]

Usage examples of "designing".

Colonel, I will have you know that I was one of the people involved in designing barrels, and that I am also one of the people responsible for formulating the doctrine in use for most of the past year.

And back went he with the force of the blast, and fell onto a Herez carpet, which had been a present to Rune from Shah Jahan for designing the Taj Mahal.

If such corrupter, therefore, should have the impudence to pretend a real affection for her, ought not the woman to regard him not only as an enemy, but as the worst of all enemies, a false, designing, treacherous, pretended friend, who intends not only to debauch her body, but her understanding at the same time?

Her dress was of white watered silk, simply covered with rare old Mechlin lace, which was held by pearls, a whole setting of them designing the ruches of the waist and the ruffles of the skirt.

The plots and falsehoods of this designing intriguer having been completely brought home to him, and it being made clear how nefariously he had deprived both his brothers and the British government of large tracts of territory, no time was lost in stripping him of his ill-gotten honours and estates, and reducing him to the rank of a simple chief.

Then McPherson hired him to work at the Neuropsychiatric Research Unit, designing electronic components to be synergistic with the human brain.

Garuda Bird loose as a preorbital flight test, then went on about the next step in the space program after the Bird got us into low orbit Loki was designing new sorceware to work the Indian Rope Trick from some spot on the equator 22,300 miles straight up to geosynchronous orbit, from which mages could project sorcery over big parts of the globe day and night.

It was possible that the Montegeau rubies Faith Donovan was designing into a necklace had come from one or more of the long, long list of stolen heirlooms, but he doubted it.

A few minutes later he landed on the roof of the Transcontinental Airways shops, entered them, and went to the office of the Designing Engineer, John Fuller, an old schoolmate.

In designing a funeral for himself that would surpass all the funerals of the past in its ludicrous self-indulgence and mawkish extravagance, he must also have had it in mind that there would soon come a time when funerals would lose their aura of inevitability, occurring only in the wake of rare and unexpected accidents.

Vicar, and thinking that all would be well if he were only once more in their midst, one of his parishioners brought a horse, designing to walk by him all the way from Bristol to Madeley Two or three others came and entreated him to travel home in a post-chaise, but his physicians forbade his return to the scene of his old labours, and his parishioners, perforce, returned disappointed.

I was in Chicago to talk with the FASA team about designing the Renegade Legion roleplaying game, but then Jordan Weisman told me all about SR, filling my head full of all sorts of images and cool things.

The market for breadboards was limited, and designing and carving breadboards that didn't sell wasn't building confidence.

Now he was designing equivalent machinery out of garden variety Solar Union technology.

Every engineer in this hall, designing those nanotechnological toasters and hair dryers, wished he could have Hackworth's job in Bespoke, where concinnity was an end in itself, where no atom was wasted and every subsystem was designed specifically for the task at hand.