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The Collaborative International Dictionary

depicted \depicted\ adj. represented graphically by sketch or design or lines.

Syn: pictured, portrayed.


vb. (en-past of: depict)


adj. represented graphically by sketch or design or lines [syn: pictured, portrayed]

Usage examples of "depicted".

And as several of the ancient maps seem to prove, unknown prehistoric cartographers, who possessed a scientific understanding of latitude and longitude, depicted these mountain ranges before they disappeared beneath the ice-cap that covers them today.

Basing his cartography on ancient sources now lost, the French academician depicted a clear waterway across the southern continent dividing it into two principal landmasses lying east and west of the line now marked by the Trans-Antarctic Mountains.

Or shall we think again about the implications of Hapgood’s theory of earth-crust displacement which allows the southern continent to have been in the ice-free condition depicted by Buache as little as 15,000 years ago?

In yet another, which seemed to refer to a later phase of his life, he was revered as ‘a wise counsellor in matters of state’ and depicted as ‘an old man with a beard and long hair wearing a long tunic’.

His tongue, fittingly depicted as an obsidian knife, juts out hungrily, signalling his need for the nourishment of human blood and hearts.

It so obviously depicted a Caucasian male with a high-bridged nose and a long, flowing beard that the bemused archaeologists promptly christened it ‘Uncle Sam’.

It depicted an elderly Caucasian, dressed in long robes, with a goatee beard.

The passing years took their toll on him, however, and he is depicted at the end of his rule as an old, wrinkled, stumbling man with a trembling mouth from which saliva ceaselessly dribbles.

Like them, he is exceptionally tall and always depicted wearing the curved beard of divinity.

Indeed, this was more than just imagination because Osiris was physically present in the astonishing symphony of reliefs that adorned the walls—reliefs that depicted the once and future civilizer-king in his role as god of the dead, enthroned and attended by Isis, his beautiful and mysterious sister.

It meshed perfectly with the ancient global maps I had studied—maps which accurately depicted the subglacial topography of the continent of Antarctica (see Part I).

Offerings were made to the Mistress of the Herds and later to the Horned God, who was depicted wearing horns or antlers to display his sovereignty over the herds.

Painted in black on the cave walls of Les Trois Freres in the French Pyrenees, this shamanic figure, which portrays a man in animal skins, dates from about 14000 BC and stands high above the animals that are depicted on the lower walls.

The son of Isis and Osiris, he is often depicted as an infant on his mother's lap and together the parents and child form a trinity.

Kali is depicted with her four arms holding weapons and the heads of her victims, her tongue lolling out, and covered in blood, signifying her power over life and death.