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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Dentate \Den"tate\ (d[e^]n"t[asl]t), Dentated \Den"ta*ted\ (d[e^]n"t[asl]*t[e^]d), a. [L. dentatus, fr. dens, dentis, tooth.]

  1. (Bot.) Toothed; especially, with the teeth projecting straight out, not pointed either forward or backward; as, a dentate leaf.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Having teeth or toothlike points. See Illust. of Antenn[ae].


a. Having teeth or toothlike projections; serrated, toothed.


adj. having toothlike projections in the margin


Dentate may refer to:

  • A species having dentition
  • An individual not being edentulous
  • Dentate gyrus of the hippocampus
  • Dentate nucleus of the cerebellum
  • Denticity in chemistry
  • Dentate leaf, a kind of leaf margin

Usage examples of "dentate".

Bliss, T V P, and L0mo, T Long-lasting potentiation of synaptic transmission in the dentate area of the anaesthetised rabbit following stimulation of the perforant path.

The hippocampus, for instance, was critically important, especially the dentate gyrus region and the perforant pathway nerves that led to it.