a defining characteristic (=one that is necessary in order to be a particular type of person or thing)
▪ Originality is one of the defining characteristics of a great band.
a defining moment (=something that shows the real character or purpose of something)
▪ The win was a defining moment in the boxer’s career.
broadly defined
▪ Independent films are, broadly defined, movies that appeal to sophisticated audiences.
define the scope of sth (=say exactly what the scope is)
▪ The group’s first task was to define the scope of the review.
▪ Fat women are defined as undesirable, asexual, maternal, sexually desperate, rampant or repressed.
▪ What young people come to define as intellectual competence what it means to know things and use themis shaped by their schooling.
▪ Although there are many types of dementia they can generally be defined as involving progressive and irreversible brain failure.
▪ The suffocation of social pressure, the idea of self-worth as defined by men, it all rings true.
▪ Third, we are, inpart at least, talking about an activity which appears to be defined as problematic by users themselves.
▪ The power goes beyond that which can be defined as physical or mental.
▪ When they are present they are present for the most part performing female roles as defined by that society.
▪ Kennedy because he was said to lack the punch and aggressiveness defined as essential Kennedy traits.
▪ The Meaning and Purpose of Regulation Economic regulation might be defined broadly as government interference in what could be a market-based activity.
▪ Personality Personality can be broadly defined as the propensities within an individual to act a certain way, given a particular context.
▪ Independent films are, broadly defined, movies that appeal to sophisticated audiences, usually produced outside the traditional studio system.
▪ Progress on each syllabus is clearly defined in the contents section describing the units.
▪ The clearly defined black spots and red bands of courage that set the rainbow apart from other trout are truly remarkable.
▪ Quadrant 2 contains those activities where goals and outputs are more clearly defined but the means to achieve them are not.
▪ A cable industry trade group said the technological exemption has not been clearly defined by legal tests.
▪ The institution is expected to wait until investigations are complete and criminal responsibilities are more clearly defined before bringing charges.
▪ Plot: It should be clearly defined and complex enough to keep the reader involved.
▪ Acronyms and symbols are defined clearly and used consistently.
▪ Develop a mission statement of two sentences or less that clearly defines your definition of personal and business success.
▪ Within this framework, every character is sharply defined.
▪ His nose was long and straight and his mouth was sharply defined and beautifully shaped.
▪ In fact there are some nice examples of mixes of higher education and new technology thriving in sharply defined cultural niches.
▪ Only she, and you as her parents, have any sharply defined reality.
▪ The buildings were two stories high, sharply defined by the hard Hopperesque light.
▪ None of these élites had sharply defined boundaries, and there was much overlap among them.
▪ Equally, how is language pedagogy to be defined in relation to other areas of enquiry that impinge upon it?
▪ It is helpful to define these areas in writing so that you both know where you are.
▪ In the late nineteenth century, at the time when the border was defined, the area was sparsely popula-ted.
▪ She defines the area of feminist epistemology as that of developing theoretical accounts of knowledge which retain continuity with women's experiences.
▪ Still, his borrowings and his changes do at least define his area of interest.
▪ The face is defined as that area below the eyebrows and extending down to the chin.
▪ The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.
▪ Despite this there have been various Parliamentary attempts to define the phrase.
▪ However, few make any attempt to define it or shape it in positive ways.
▪ Actually, I made no attempt to define anything.
▪ Each was an attempt to define the respective limits of integration and loyalty.
▪ Inevitably, this attempt to define the most powerful school of art since the war is going to lead to fierce arguments.
▪ If this be thought to be disingenuously restrictive, an attempt to define away the opposition, then consider the alternative.
▪ One would therefore expect to find an attempt to define what debentures are.
▪ Browsing: a definition Various attempts at defining the nature of browsing have been made.
▪ First, it entails defining the site's boundaries beforehand, and these are not always known with certainty.
▪ Of course, that figure depends on how you define the geographic boundaries of the area.
▪ The need to define the boundaries of obedience is at the heart of Richardson's novel.
▪ Every political system defines its boundaries of legitimate action differently.
▪ None of these élites had sharply defined boundaries, and there was much overlap among them.
▪ In this chapter we define the boundaries of the sports industry and outline the key contributors to its economic importance.
▪ These findings are consistent across studies despite variations in methodology, ways of defining social class and populations studied.
▪ The consumption of ducks has increased in recent years, so it may be practical to define the various classes of ducks.
▪ The test of benefit of a class leaves the courts considerable discretion as to how to define the class.
▪ We shall treat this problem in greater detail when we define the major classes of political culture.
▪ In a clearly stratified society, the interests of this audience were predominantly defined by class.
▪ But their first difficulty is to define class.
▪ CenterLine's software can now define object classes with Objectivity/DB and interactively access Objectivity/DB objects.
▪ ParaSet defines a new product class based on parametric software development, which manages the complexity of design and maintenance.
▪ You will be able to define your needs without knowing the solution.
▪ The Disabled Persons Act 1986 recommends, but does not legislate, that local authorities should define need and provide for it.
▪ Who defines teachers' professional needs?
▪ Severe urgency was defined as an urgent need to defecate which has to be relieved in less than one minute to avoid incontinence.
▪ In other areas geriatrics patients are defined by their need for rehabilitation and multi-disciplinary care.
▪ Each school was encouraged to define its particular needs and prepare a programme which would best meet them.
▪ Consequently, management performance is defined as a need to know whether money was spent wisely.
▪ There was a tendency to acquiesce in low expectations of disadvantaged children and to define their needs in emotional rather than educational terms.
▪ A-CONFORMOLINES is used to supply the location coordinates of a set of points defining the position of the boundary of each zone.
▪ The authority and task boundaries that define his position, however, continually shift like sand.
▪ Dole, the hardest of men to manage, has moved with glacial slowness to define his own position.
▪ This is a standard operating procedure that enables our grassroots membership to define the small-business positions on important issues.
▪ They may define positions that have often been repeated, but they can not be given a timeless quality.
▪ The new managers generally defined their new positions by their responsibilities, not their relationships.
▪ The contours of the tube are then defined by the position of the entanglement points in the network.
▪ By defining our problem more clearly we help ourselves in deciding what we are going to do about it.
▪ Increasingly, federal officials were defining the problems of urban areas as local problems requiring local solutions.
▪ She must first define the problem implicit in her client's questions and decide which parameters are relevant.
▪ He would have the resources and training to be able to help them and to define and solve their problems.
▪ In spite of this we do need to make an effort to define the problem.
▪ Since we are unlikely to find the best definition we should try defining the problem in alternative ways.
▪ But, of course, safety had been defined out of the problem.
▪ The view of pedagogy proposed here, then, makes teachers responsible for defining their own problems and providing their own solutions.
▪ Thus a set type can be defined as a named relationship between record types.
▪ It came to me that this was a defining moment in the relationship between these two brilliant minds.
▪ Temple defined the relationships which constituted our real wealth as existing in terms of family, community and nation.
▪ Moreover, we use space to define our relationships.
▪ The virgin is the reserved figure who does not define herself in terms of her relationships with men.
▪ The problem should be clearly and explicitly defined, and the relationship to health should be stated. 2.
▪ The object will be one of those defined in the Zone Relationship Diagram mentioned above.
▪ A bond can be defined as a unique relationship between two people that is specific and endures through time.
▪ Emerging autonomy - the employees begin to define their own role but still need guidance. 6.
▪ Like the others in the managers' networks, their peers defined the managerial role according to their own priorities.
▪ The truth of this does not make it easy to define the teacher's role in management.
▪ No wonder the new managers found it difficult to make sense of and define their new role.
▪ The other was that in defining individual teachers' roles, schools were asked to recognize the importance of job-satisfaction.
▪ He is therefore deeply dependent on the structure of the society to define his role.
▪ The new treaties will define that role and extend it.
▪ In fact, nearly half of the superiors explicitly mentioned agenda setting in defining the managerial role.
▪ Progress on each syllabus is clearly defined in the contents section describing the units.
▪ Instead, the Cut / Copy Rectangle command used the exact position of the cursor to define the vertical section of text.
▪ Section 24 provides for a power of summary arrest in respect of arrestable offences as defined in that section.
▪ Columns are defined as vertical sections of text separated from other text by tab or tab-align codes.
▪ Thus corporal punishment is defined in the section with reference to the tort of battery.
▪ It is for this reason that technical terms be clearly defined in this section of the proposal.
▪ It is recommended that this is defined as a fixed set by the Project Manager concerned.
▪ Leaders have a clearly defined set of values.
▪ It is, in any case, impossible to define a consistent set of masculine interests served by such stereotyping.
▪ Certain occupational groups style themselves as professions and the concept is defined in terms of a set of purported characteristics.
▪ The nature of the relationships is defined by a set of keywords followed by the name of the related module.
▪ Exchange of cost information is clearly important in defining the set of possible agreements and arriving at one.
▪ It discusses the current status of the different detection methods and summarises their applicability to defined set of foods and food products.
▪ Obligations can also be defined in negative terms, by excluding duties which would otherwise arise.
▪ Markets define things in terms of their exchange value.
▪ The consultants working on the Fastlink plan will define the terms of a competition to encourage interest among private companies.
▪ A StructuralFunctional Definition A state can be defined in terms of its essential structures and functions rather than by its legal standing.
▪ We shall define the term as follows.
▪ That product can be identified and defined in terms of its customer, internal or external.
▪ So before we examine the debate in more detail let us define our terms.
▪ Every minute of his life was defined in terms of the opening second of the fight.
▪ It is difficult to define which words or phrases constitute jargon.
▪ An activated word might be defined as any word placed in a context such that it takes on emotional intensity.
▪ Helpfully the New Oxford Dictionary is on hand to define any difficult words that may crop up.
▪ He defines the Arabic word hamas as enthusiastic, but intelligent, anger.
▪ And you define yourself by the words you use, in my case words that seek to present bare facts.
▪ Dictionaries define one word in terms of others, and this characteristic may be shared to some extent by semantic memory.
▪ A learner's dictionary will define far fewer words and concentrate on examples of usage for those words.
▪ A sentence spent defining a word or phrase can make valid the rest of your answer.
▪ But these will be accompanied by organizational arrangements, systems of administration and working conventions which will also help to define policy.
▪ Using eight criteria that help define the risk-reward equation, Bloomberg takes a look at Albers and his fund.
▪ Its special force of percussive tone helps to define musical entries and mark changes of tempo.
▪ He would have the resources and training to be able to help them and to define and solve their problems.
▪ These help to define how consumers' participation decisions relate to price changes.
▪ They help to define the prey's body as a body.
▪ What lies ahead is a battle that will help define the 21st century.
▪ It has helped particularly in defining its nature.
▪ Dietary fibre can be loosely defined as the cell-wall material of plants.
▪ Each of us might define the concept of freedom in a slightly different way.
▪ The dictionary defines it as "a narrow passage".
▪ Early childhood educators are rarely involved in defining problems, shaping solutions, or choosing options.
▪ It must define the target and the date by which it is to be achieved.
▪ Some one else defines who they are and what they stand for as public figures.
▪ The outer boundary of a closed figure usually defines its size.
▪ The rest of the movie, however, is not as successful; motivations are unexplained and characters are less than defined.
▪ They define a good patient as one who accepts their state-ments and their actions uncritically and unquestioningly.
▪ This, clearly, is another key concept in the theory, so how is it defined?