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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He closed the door closed behind him, leaving her cruelly defenceless against his bitter attack.
▪ In the first weeks of the war, dozens of defenceless ships were sunk by submarines.
▪ No one is doing anything to help these poor defenceless children.
▪ Afterwards, he sat and watched her: drinking in the picture of her despoiled, defenceless beauty.
▪ Hutt panicked and struck again and again and again until his defenceless victim fell to the floor.
▪ If she had allowed him in, she would have been defenceless.
▪ Not only were they hungry, but they also felt defenceless against more allied bombing.
▪ Small but dangerously exciting trickles of pleasure were still winging their way through her virtually defenceless body.
▪ The slim man had seized the whip, and after two more murderous kicks, commenced to thrash the defenceless coachman.
▪ Then defenceless, all we could do was fight the panic and slowly slip away.
▪ When one finds defenceless prey, others will soon come.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

defenceless \defenceless\ adj. same as defenseless; as, a defenceless child.

Syn: defenseless, helpless.


Defenseless \De*fense"less\, a. Destitute of defense; unprepared to resist attack; unable to oppose; unprotected. [Also spelled defenceless.]-- De*fense"less*ly, adv. -- De*fense"less*ness, n.

2. unarmed; used of persons or the military. armed


a. Without defence; undefended.

  1. adj. lacking protection or support; "a defenseless child" [syn: defenseless]

  2. lacking weapons for self-defense [syn: defenseless]

Usage examples of "defenceless".

English Radical papers for killing a lot of poor, defenceless Bengalese in cold blood.

Maternus, a private soldier, of a daring boldness above his station, collected these bands of robbers into a little army, set open the prisons, invited the slaves to assert their freedom, and plundered with impunity the rich and defenceless cities of Gaul and Spain.

So, we see, the principal points of the opinion enunciated by the learned judge, and the principles therein laid down, can, with equal force, be applied to the non-justification of craniotomy, by which the life of a defenceless child is sacrificed to save the mother.

It gained the shelter of a grassy hill, And ever still our comrades were hewn down, And their defenceless limbs beneath our footsteps strown.

But, even settled in their new homes, the Indians were defenceless against the Mamelucos, as it was a state maxim of the Spanish court that the Indians should never be allowed the use of guns.

He became a notorious Matabele induna, and slew hundreds of defenceless Mashona during his depredations.

He became a notorious Matabele induna, and slew hundreds of defenceless Mashona during WHO his depredations.

Zoe drew her legs together as much as the slackness of the straps permitted, glaring defiantly at the girl reaching over her defenceless body.

It is not of the Bedouins that such travellers are afraid, for the safe conduct granted by the chief of the ruling tribe is never, I believe, violated, but it is said that there are deserters and scamps of various sorts who hover about the skirts of the Desert, particularly on the Cairo side, and are anxious to succeed to the property of any poor devils whom they may find more weak and defenceless than themselves.

When spring opened, the Indians turned with redoubled fury against the defenceless frontier, seized the abandoned stockades, and butchered the helpless settlers.

The spirit of the Circumcellions was not always exerted against their defenceless enemies.

The spirit of the Circumcellions was not always exerted against their defenceless enemies.

He couldn't see her expression but was dolefully certain that she was even then preparing a homily about -the shortcomings of bullies who went around clobbering elderly and defenceless American actors.

He filled Rome and Italy with armed troops, connived at their tumults, suffered them with impunity to plunder, and even to massacre, the defenceless people.

But no sooner had he returned, alone and defenceless, than a hostile commission was sent to the East, to seize his treasures and criminate his actions.