n. (plural of deede English)
Deedes may refer to:
- Bill Deedes, KBE, MC, PC, DL (1913–2007), British Conservative Party politician, army officer and journalist
- Charles Deedes KCB CMG DSO (1879–1969), senior British Army officer who went on to be Military Secretary
- John Deedes (1803–1885), amateur English cricketer
- Ralph Bouverie Deedes, K.C.B., O.B.E., M.C. (1890–1954), senior officer in the pre-partition Indian Army
- William Deedes junior (1834–1887), English cricketer and a Conservative Party politician
- William Deedes senior (born 1796), English cricketer who played first-class cricket from 1817 to 1826, and a Conservative Party politician
- Wyndham Deedes CMG DSO (1883–1956), British Brigadier General, Chief secretary to the British High Commissioner of the British Mandate of Palestine
Usage examples of "deedes".
And after them Dissemblance, and SuspectMarcht in one rancke, yet an vnequall paire:For she was gentle, and of milde aspect,Courteous to all, and seeming debonaire,Goodly adorned, and exceeding faire:Yet was that all but painted, and purloynd,And her bright browes were deckt with borrowed haire:Her deedes were forged, and her words false coynd,And alwaies in her hand two clewes of silke she twynd.
And certes it hath oftentimes bene seene,That of the like, whose linage was vnknowne,More braue and noble knights haue raysed beene,As their victorious deedes haue often showen,Being with fame through many Nations blowen,Then those, which haue bene dandled in the lap.
Thy name ô: soueraine Queene, thy realme and race,From this renowmed Prince deriued arre,Who mightily vpheld that royall mace,Which now thou bear'st, to thee descended farreFrom mightie kings and conquerours in warre,Thy fathers and great Grandfathers of old,Whose noble deedes aboue the Northerne starreImmortall fame for euer hath enrold.
He left three sonnes, the which in order raynd,And all their Ofspring, in their dew descents,Euen seuen hundred Princes, which maintayndWith mightie deedes their sundry gouernments.
All my delight on deedes of armes is set,To hunt out perils and aduentures hard,By sea, by land, where so they may be met,Onely for honour and for high regard,Without respect of richesse or reward.
But that bold knight, whom ye pursuing sawThat Geauntesse, is not such, as she seemed,But a faire virgin, that in martiall law,And deedes of armes aboue all Dames is deemed,And aboue many knights is eke esteemed,For her great worth.
The last day came, when all those knightes againeAssembled were their deedes of armes to shew.
Then came those sixe sad brethren, like forlorne,That whilome were (as antique fathers tell)Sixe valiant Knights, of one faire Nymphe yborne,Which did in noble deedes of armes excell,And wonned there, where now Yorke people dwell.
When all men had with full satietieOf meates and drinkes their appetites suffiz'd,To deedes of armes and proofe of cheualrieThey gan themselues addresse, full rich aguiz'd,As each one had his furnitures deuiz'd.
Deare Lady, deedes ought not be scandBy th'authors manhood, nor the doers might,But by their trueth and by the causes right:That same is it, which fought for you this day.
By this the other came in place likewise,And couching close his speare and all his powre,As bent to some malicious enterprise,He bad him stand, t'abide the bitter stoureOf his sore vengeaunce, or to make auoureOf the lewd words and deedes, which he had done:With that ran at him, as he would deuoureHis life attonce.
L Ike as the gentle hart it selfe bewrayes,In doing gentle deedes with franke delight,Euen so the baser mind it selfe displayes,In cancred malice and reuengefull spright.
And thus within a while his name sprung Both of his deedes, and of his good tongue, That Theseus hath taken him so near, That of his chamber he hath made him squire, And gave him gold to maintain his degree.
And he that will have price* of his gent'ry, *esteem, honour For* he was boren of a gentle house, *because And had his elders noble and virtuous, And will himselfe do no gentle deedes, Nor follow his gentle ancestry, that dead is, He is not gentle, be he duke or earl.
Whiche they bear in sign of victory, As witness of their deedes mightily.