Crossword clues for decortication
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Decortication \De*cor`ti*ca"tion\, n. [L. decorticatio: cf. F. d['e]cortication.] The act of stripping off the bark, rind, hull, or outer coat.
n. The removal of the surface layer, membrane, or fibrous cover of anything
n. removal of the outer covering of an organ or part
Decortication is a medical procedure involving the surgical removal of the surface layer, membrane, or fibrous cover of an organ. The procedure is usually performed when the lung is covered by a thick, inelastic pleural peel restricting lung expansion. In a non-medical aspect, decortication is the removal of the bark, husk, or outer layer, or peel of an object. It may also be done in the treatment of chronic laryngitis.
Usage examples of "decortication".
Behemoth's fecundity, as we now understood, was inexhaustible, and, although the Tertiary demon's claws displayed a powerful vitality that seemed undiminished by their decortication, we could see where the swarm was beginning to gnaw chunks from the very bones themselves.