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Debt-Lag is a condition which results from overuse of one’s credit card or other forms of credit while travelling. The debt itself can refer to the amount spent in the lead up to travelling, during the trip and any unexpected costs which come about from that trip, such as cross currency conversion fees and foreign ATM access charges. The condition of debt-lag may last months or even years after a person’s trip is complete, as long as the debt accrued within the travel period is still outstanding. It is recommended that sufferers of debt-lag seek treatment as soon as possible to avoid paying exorbitant fees in interest charges.

The term debt-lag is similar to jet lag in that both have to do with travel, however travellers can be affected by debt-lag without leaving their time zone. Jet lag refers to the condition sustained by the body after rapid long-distance travel which requires days of adjustment upon return. Debt-lag works in much the same way as it refers to a traveller’s need to adjust upon return as well, except it is more directly related to the traveller’s financial situation than their biological one.