Day-O is a United States 1992 family TV-movie about an imaginary childhood friend, "Dayo," of Grace (played by Delta Burke), who returns to her as an adult to help her through various adult crises. The film featured the young Elijah Wood as Dayo, in an early role. Grace struggles against her timidity to save her Grandfather's restaurant. The arrival of her imaginary childhood friend spurs her on to success.
"Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" is a traditional Jamaican folk song; the best-known version was released by Jamaican-American singer Harry Belafonte in 1956 and later became one of his signature songs. That same year The Tarriers released an alternative version that incorporated the chorus of another Jamaican folk song, "Hill and Gully Rider". The Tarriers version was later recorded by Shirley Bassey. Other recordings were made of the song in 1956-1957, as well as later.
The song has mento influences, but "Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)" was commonly classified as an example of the better known calypso music. It is a work song, from the point of view of dock workers working the night shift loading bananas onto ships. Daylight has come, the shift is over, and they want their work to be counted up so that they can go home.