Darwish and Darvish (and in French more prominently Darwich and Darwiche) are alternate transliterations of the Persian word " dervish", used in , referring to a Sufi aspirant. There is no v sound in most Modern Arabic dialects and so the originally Persian word is usually pronounced with a w sound in Arabic. The word appears as a surname in the Levant or for people descended from Levantine communities, particularly in Lebanon, Syria, Israel and the Palestinian territories. An etymology for the name is given in the Oxford Dictionary of American Family Names:
Usage examples of "darwish".
There were also many of the darwish holy beggars, as ragged, scabby, filthy and evil-looking as those in any other Eastern city.
A malang is the same thing as a darwish, a holy beggar, and even up on top of the Roof of the World there were beggars, both native and transient.