n. (plural of daie English)
Usage examples of "daies".
For whylome he had bene a doughty Knight,As any one, that liued in his daies,And proued oft in many perillous fight,Of which he grace and glory wonne alwaies,And in all battels bore away the baies.
For all he did, was to deceiue good knights,And draw them from pursuit of praise and fame,To slug in slouth and sensuall delights,And end their daies with irrenowmed shame.
Behold th'ensamples in our sights,Of lustfull luxurie and thriftlesse wast:What now is left of miserable wights,Which spent their looser daies in lewd delights,But shame and sad reproch, here to be red,By these rent reliques, speaking their ill plights?
Where making ioyous feast theire daies they spentIn perfect loue, deuoide of hatefull strife,Allide with bands of mutuall couplement.
Now twenty daies, by which the sonnes of menDiuide their works, haue past through heuen sheene,Since I was brought into this dolefull den.
Arriuing there, he found this wretched man,Spending his daies in dolour and despaire,And through long fasting woxen pale and wan,All ouergrowen with rude and rugged haire.
For from the first that I her loue profest,Vnto this houre, this present lucklesse howre,I neuer ioyed happinesse nor rest,But thus turmoild from one to other stowre,I wast my life, and doe my daies deuowreIn wretched anguishe and incessant woe,Passing the measure of my feeble powre,That liuing thus, a wretch and louing so,I neither can my loue, ne yet my life forgo.
Within three daies (quoth hee) as I do here,It will be at the Castle of the strond.
But when as daies faire shinie-beame, yclowdedWith fearefull shadowes of deformed night,Warn'd man and beast in quiet rest be shrowded,Bold Radigund with sound of trumpe on hight,Causd all her people to surcease from fight,And gathering them vnto her citties gate,Made them all enter in before her sight,And all the wounded, and the weake in state,To be conuayed in, ere she would once retrate.
S O soone as day forth dawning from the East,Nights humid curtaine from the heauens withdrew,And earely calling forth both man and beast,Comaunded them their daily workes renew,These noble warriors, mindefull to pursewThe last daies purpose of their vowed fight,Them selues thereto preparde in order dew.
Wherewith though wondrous wroth, and inly burning,To be auenged for so fowle a deede,Yet being forst to abide the daies returning,She there remain'd, but with right wary heede,Least any more such practise should proceede.
There did the warlike Maide her selfe repose,Vnder the wings of Isis all that night,And with sweete rest her heauy eyes did close,After that long daies toile and weary plight.
Now turne againe (Sir Artegall then sayd)For if I liue till those ten daies haue end,Assure your selfe, Sir Knight, she shall haue ayd,Though I this dearest life for her doe spend.
All which my daies I haue not lewdly spent,Nor spilt the blossome of my tender yearesIn ydlesse, but as was conuenient,Haue trayned bene with many noble feresIn gentle thewes, and such like seemely leres.
Harrison's "Chronologie," under date of 1573, says: "In these daies the taking in of the smoke of the Indian herbe called 'Tabaco' by an instrument formed like a little ladell, whereby it passeth from the mouth into the hed and stomach, is gretlie taken up and used in England, against Rewmes and some other diseases ingendred in the longes and inward partes, and not without effect.