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n. (archaic spelling of day English)

Usage examples of "daie".

On Twelfe daie his grace and the earle of Devonshire, with foure aids, answered at the tournie all commers, which were sixteene persons.

I believe his hanging the same, or the next daie, so speedy is our law there.

By that tymes they weare answered, the place about us well discovered, and our devyne service ended, the daie was farr spent.

LORDE our heavenly father, almightie and everlastyng God, whiche hast safely broughte us to the begynnyng of thys day: defende us in the same wyth thy myghtye power, and graunte that this daie we fall into no synne, nether rune into any kinde of daunger: but that al our doinges may be ordred by thy governaunce, to doe alwayes that is rightuous in thy sighte: through Jesus Christe our Lorde.

After which daie all sermons seasede at Poules Crosse and in all other places.

Given under My signeth of Ouroboros in My pallaice of Carcie thys xxix daie of may, beynge the vii daie of My yeare II.

And on the iv daie hadd notise of a gret powre and strengtht cumming at me from sowth out of Owleswyke to assaille mee in Grunda.

Who returning nexte daie towarde Owlswyke I dyd followe aftir, and so toke them facynge me in a plaise cauled Crosbie Owtsykes where they did make shifte to kepe the phords and passages of Ethrey river very stronge.

The thirst which I had gotten the daie before was so increased, that I was prouoked now to slacken the same, or rather inticed with the faire beautie of the instrument, the coolenes whereof was such, as betwixt my lippes me thought it stirred and trembled.

By that tymes they weare answered, the place about us well discovered, and our devyne service ended, the daie was farr spent.

Who returning nexte daie towarde Owlswyke I dyd followe aftir, and so toke them facynge me in a plaise cauled Crosbie Owtsykes where they did make shifte to kepe the phords and passages of Ethrey river very stronge.