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Daffadar ( Hindustani: दफ़्फ़दार ( Devanagari) ; Urdu: ( Nastaliq)) was the equivalent rank to sergeant in the cavalry of the British Indian Army, the next rank up from lance daffadar. The equivalent in other units was havildar. Like a British sergeant, a daffadar wore three rank chevrons.

Usage examples of "daffadar".

But when he started to climb the veranda steps, he stumbled and would have fallen, had not Daffadar Ghulam Rasul put out a hand to steady him.

Akbar Khan rode off alone to a nearby village, while the two daffadars prepared a frugal meal of chapattis and dried fish and fed and watered the weary bullocks.

They left as they had come, the daffadars driving the bullock cart, and Akbar Khan riding ahead of them on his swaybacked country-bred horse, his turbaned head held high.