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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cudgel \Cudg"el\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Cudgeled or Cudgelled (-?ld); p. pr. & vb. n. Cudgeling or cudgelling.] To beat with a cudgel.

An he here, I would cudgel him like a dog.

To cudgel one's brains, to exercise one's wits.


vb. (en-past of: cudgel)


See cudgel

  1. n. a club that is used as a weapon

  2. v. strike with a cudgel

  3. [also: cudgelling, cudgelled]

Usage examples of "cudgelled".

Eliste had noted the arms blazoned on the yellow carriage, and now she cudgelled her memory.

Once more he cudgelled the sides of the inflexible Gunpowder, and, shutting his eyes, broke forth with involuntary fervor into a psalm tune.

As he cudgelled his brain, he allowed the weapon to slide down the tented coverlet beyond his drawn-up toes.

Lavender cudgelled his brains for an easy and natural method of approach, before Blink supplied the necessary avenue by taking her stand before a soldier and looking up into his eye.

A barmaid who cudgelled her landlord boyfriend to death with a beer flagon has been sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment (suspended).

He carried his old habits into his new office, cudgelled Brinton, the collector of the port, and belabored Captain Short of the royal navy with his cane.