a. Of or pertaining to cryptanalysis or cryptanalytics.
adj. of or relating to cryptanalysis [syn: cryptographic, cryptographical, cryptologic, cryptological]
Usage examples of "cryptanalytic".
The American cryptanalytic organization swept through this miasma of apathy to reach a peak of alertness and accomplishment unmatched on that day of infamy by any other agency in the United States.
American cryptanalytic agencies had not sprung full-blown into being like Athena from the brow of Zeus.
The mounting curve of tension was matched by the rising output of the American cryptanalytic agencies.
Signal Corps, he immediately set about augmenting the important cryptanalytic activities.
Navy cryptanalytic units in Washington and the Philippines were working on this code.
This carefully chosen name masked its cryptanalytic activities, though its duties did include U.
The reencipherment was to keep the Japanese from knowing of the extensive American cryptanalytic effort.
It represents an achievement of the Army cryptanalytic bureau that, so far as I know, has not been duplicated elsewhere, because we definitely know that the British cryptanalytic service and the German cryptanalytic service were baffled in their attempts and they never did solve it.
American cryptanalytic effort pumped magic to its eager recipients smoothly, speedily, and lavishly.
Americans seemed to have given no serious thought to the possibility that a spy might have been insinuated into the Japanese embassy to ease their cryptanalytic burden.
Viete felt did not deter him from extending his cryptanalytic successes.
The professionals, who almost certainly surpassed them in cryptanalytic expertise, concentrated on the down-to-earth problems of the systems that were then in use but are now outdated.
It began with the cryptanalytic endeavors of John Wallis, the greatest English mathematician before Newton.
He not only managed to reconcile his religious calling with an activity once condemned by churchly authorities, but also went on to become the only man in history to use cryptanalytic talents to procure ecclesiastical rewards.
Francis inherited a large share of his fortune and landed property and, living as wealthy squires at Barton and Hampstead, continued their cryptanalytic work.