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crepe myrtle

n. ornamental shrub from eastern India commonly planted in the southern United States [syn: crape myrtle, crepe flower, Lagerstroemia indica]

Usage examples of "crepe myrtle".

As they made their way toward the business section, Michael pointed out each tree and flowered bush that they passed: crepe myrtle, mimosa, chinaberry, and the fragrant tea olive.

Tiny hummingbirds, their wings whirling like miniature helicopters, hung suspended beside the thick bushes of crepe myrtle that rose to cushion the warped edges of the porch.

Lilies under the dark lace of the crepe myrtle were as white as the moon.

Now the deepening green of the grass melted into the green of the trees, and beyond there was no glare of sky, only the muted colors of the houses far across the way, flash of pink crepe myrtle glowing in the gloom, white magnolia, bits of shining glass, translucent blue, wrought iron.

A wild profusion of border plants circled the walk and grew thickly beneath flowering crepe myrtle.

The crepe myrtle are blooming, and chickens are wallowing in the dust under the magnolias.