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The Collaborative International Dictionary
crape myrtle

crape myrtle \crape myrtle\ n. an tall East Indian and Chinese shrub ( Lagerstroemia indica of the loosestrife family, commonly planted in Southern and Western U. S. as an ornamental shrub. It has clusters of red, white, purple, or pink flowers.

Syn: crepe myrtle, crepe flower, Lagerstroemia indic

crape myrtle

alt. Any of the genus (taxlink Lagerstroemia genus noshow=1), family Lythraceae, shrubs or small trees, certain of which are ornamental, bearing big gaudy blooms. n. Any of the genus (taxlink Lagerstroemia genus noshow=1), family Lythraceae, shrubs or small trees, certain of which are ornamental, bearing big gaudy blooms.

crape myrtle

n. ornamental shrub from eastern India commonly planted in the southern United States [syn: crepe myrtle, crepe flower, Lagerstroemia indica]

Usage examples of "crape myrtle".

Chipped nail polish, but what a gorgeous shade of crape myrtle purple.

The others looked to their eviscerated partner dangling from the crape myrtle.

He did think once that the proper place to bury it was really under the crape myrtle tree in front.

And I just, I don't know, went kind of crazy and attacked the crape myrtle.

With no enthusiasm he turned into the lane, noticed favorably the crape myrtle trees which would be lovely in July, and parked by the front door.

Clumps of juniper bushes and crape myrtle added a dense, dark green.

The huge green tub holding the crape myrtle was once a park where she and Annette had played dolls, and once it had served as a burying-ground when Carter’.