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Costello (surname)

Costello is an Irish and Italian surname. There is no credible evidence that the Costello surname of Ireland is connected to the Spanish surname, Castillo or that the Costello family originated with shipwrecked Spanish sailors during the failed Spanish Armada invasion of the British Isles.

The surname has been borne by a notable Irish family who claimed descent from Hostilo (or Hostilio) d'Angulo, an Anglo-Norman knight. Hostilio d'Angulo occompanied his father, Gilbert d'Angulo and brother Jocelyn d'Angulo to Ireland in 1172 under the leadership of the Earl of Pembroke Richard de Clare, known as Strongbow. The invasion was of course ultimately under the command of Anglo-Norman king, Henry ll.

Pope Adrian IV, the first English pope, in one of his earliest acts, had already issued a Papal Bull in 1155, giving Henry authority to invade Ireland to bring the Irish Church into conformity with Roman practice.

It is reported that the surname d'Angulo derives from Angle, Pembrokeshire where the d'Angulo's resided prior to the invasion.

The family first appears on record in Ireland in 1193, when the Annals of the Four Masters state: Inis Clothrann do orgain la macaibh Oisdealb, & la macaibh Conchobhair Maonmaighe. (Inishcloghbran was plundered by the sons of Osdealv, and the sons of Conor Moinmoy.)

Oistealb or Osdealv was the Gaelic rendering of Hostilo.The Irish name Oisdealbh is sometimes erroneously attributed to a Gaelic translation of Jocelyn, Jocelyn d'Angulo's given name. In fact, MacOisdealbhaigh is the Gaelic translation of his brother Hostilo (or Hostilio) d'Angulo's first name. Oisdealbh is a much more obvious translation of Hostilo. It is Hostilo's descendants who would bear the surname Mac Oisdealbhaigh (son of Oisdealbh or Hostilo). The surname would later be anglicized to Costello, Costelloe, and Costellow. Gilbert d'Angulo is also sometimes listed as the son of Jocelyn d'Angulo in error. Gilbert d'Angulo is the father of both Jocelyn and Hostilo.

In Italy, the name originated in the Campania region and in Sicily but is now more prevalent in the northern regions of Italy. Its origins as a surname are from the medieval Latin name "Costellus". It is related to Costa, a more common Italian surname, as its diminutive.

In Italian heraldry the title originated with the appointment of Michele (Costello) as the Consul of Belluno in northeastern Italy in 1378.

It occasionally has been adopted as a pseudonym or stage name by famous people of Italian descent, including Al Costello (né Giacomo Costa), Frank Costello (né Francesco Castiglia), and Lou Costello (né Louis Francis Cristillo).

Costello (online game)

Costello is an educational MUD — a text-based online role-playing game — designed for teaching English as a foreign or second language. It is offered online as a free service. Created in 1995, it was innovative in its use of the MUD medium for EFL/ESL instruction,and has received positive critical response.

Costello (TV series)

Costello is an American television sitcom that aired from September 15, 1998 to October 13, 1998.

Costello (band)

Costello is a 4-piece melodic punk/ power pop band hailing from Los Angeles, California. Founded in 2003, Costello has become a staple of the west coast punk scene with their hook-laden brand of melodic punk and power pop.

In the summer of 2004, Costello was signed to the nationally distributed Los Angeles indie label High School Records. The following year, they released their debut full-length LP titled Scatterbrain. As a result of their well received debut, the band began to make a name for themselves with their contemporary take on 90's era west coast melodic punk. The lead single, Anything & Everything, garnered heavy rotation on college and university radio stations across the United States.

In 2007, Costello released a second full-length LP entitled In Vino Veritas. The album was generally well received by critics and listeners, and helped further establish the band's signature sound. As one reviewer at noted, "They are catchy without dumbing it down, energetic without being obnoxious, and just a hell of a lot of fun to listen to. I guess that if in wine we find the truth, in Costello, we find pop-punk greatness."

Costello was chosen, along with a handful of other Los Angeles punk bands, to represent the L.A. punk/rock scene with the contribution of the track 'Live It Up" to the 2008 Crimescene Records compilation CD LA's Most Wanted. Generating highly positive reviews, Costello received honorable mention in's album review, standing out amongst such well known acts as US Bombs, Buck-O-Nine, The Aggrolites, Throw Rag, and The Briggs.

The band has also made several contributions to feature films. The songs Life Without Me and Gravity from 2006's Scatterbrain were featured in the independent comedy Outside Sales, which was distributed in the major video market in 2008. 2010 will see the release of another independent comedy via Universal Pictures, "Hole In One", that will feature the songs Anything & Everything and Gravity. Costello has also made several song contributions to sports videos as well. Contributions include the wakeboarding/kiteboarding epic Encore by Liquid Force, and the Dezert People offroad racing videos entries Checkpoint Six, Lucky 7, and Dezert People 8 on which Costello were featured with the likes of Face to Face, Hot Water Music, and Useless ID.

In the summer of 2009, after the departure of drummer Bryan Panzeri, Costello was able to recruit renowned reggae/jazz drummer Jonah David of Matisyahu fame. Jonah's tremendous ability and natural talent provided a rich rhythmic foundation upon which Costello would construct their next studio album.

A third full-length album, entitled Memoirs of a Malcontent was released on June 27, 2011. Recorded in the winter of 2009-2010 in Los Angeles and mixed at Atlas Studios (Chicago, IL) by legendary punk producer Matt Allison, "Memoirs" delivers the same high energy, personal, and hook-laden music for which Costello has become known.

Costello in currently hard at work writing and rehearsing songs for their fourth, as yet untitled full-length album (label and release date TBA). The band will return to their roots, enlisting veteran producer/engineer/musician Jussi Tegelman (Havana Black, Guns N. Roses) to co-produce and engineer the record. Tegelman has worked with Costello on two previous albums, "Scatterbrain" and "In Vino Veritas".