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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Costal cartilage

Costal \Cos"tal\ (k?s"tal), a. [Cf. F. costal. See Costa.]

  1. (Anat.) Pertaining to the ribs or the sides of the body; as, costal nerves.

  2. (Bot. & Zo["o]l.) Relating to a costa, or rib.

    Costal cartilage. See Cartilage, and Illust. of Thorax.

Costal cartilage

Cartilage \Car"ti*lage\, n. [L. cartilago; cf. F. cartilage.] (Anat.) A translucent, elastic tissue; gristle.

Note: Cartilage contains no vessels, and consists of a homogeneous, intercellular matrix, in which there are numerous minute cavities, or capsules, containing protoplasmic cells, the cartilage corpuscul. See Illust under Duplication.

Articular cartilage, cartilage that lines the joints.

Cartilage bone (Anat.), any bone formed by the ossification of cartilage.

Costal cartilage, cartilage joining a rib with he sternum. See Illust. of Thorax.

costal cartilage

n. the cartilages that connect the sternum and the ends of the ribs; its elasticity allows the chest to move in respiration

Costal cartilage

The costal cartilages are bars of hyaline cartilage that serve to prolong the ribs forward and contribute to the elasticity of the walls of the thorax. Costal cartilage is only found at the anterior ends of the ribs, providing medial extension.