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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
coronary thrombosis
▪ A coronary thrombosis, the doctor had called it.
▪ After some time he died, coronary thrombosis.
▪ He gave up his business interests in 1958, when he was partially incapacitated by coronary thrombosis.
▪ Some of his experiments suggested that high levels of processed sugar could lead to coronary thrombosis, diabetes and heart disease.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Coronary thrombosis

Coronary thrombosis \Cor"o*na*ry throm*bo"sis\, n. the blockage of the coronary artery of the heart by a thrombus.

coronary thrombosis

n. (context cardiology pathology English) thrombosis of a coronary artery, that is, a blockage, caused by a blood clot, of the blood flow in a coronary artery of the heart, leading to myocardial infarction.

coronary thrombosis

n. obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery by a blood clot (thrombus) [syn: coronary]

Coronary thrombosis

Coronary thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel of the heart. This blood clot restricts blood flow within the heart. It is associated with narrowing of blood vessels subsequent to clotting. The condition is considered as a type of ischaemic heart disease.

Thrombosis in the heart can lead to a myocardial infarction. Coronary thrombosis and myocardial infarction are sometimes used as synonyms, although this is technically inaccurate as the thrombosis refers to the blocking of blood vessels, while the infarction refers to the tissue death due to the consequent loss of blood flow to the heart tissue. The heart contains many connecting blood vessels, and depending upon the location of the thrombosis, the infarction may cause no symptoms.

Coronary thrombosis can be a complication associated with drug-eluting stents.

Usage examples of "coronary thrombosis".

Weak heart, coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, chronic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis all the rest of it.

I mean, people are dying of coronary thrombosis or cerebral haemorrhage or things of that kind all the time nowadays.

They think everybody over fifty is going to die of hypertension or coronary thrombosis or one of those things—.

Maggie who had come from filth and rheumatic fever, who had come all the way to three baths a day and a specialist in Very Expensive Beverly Hills, that Maggie suddenly had a seizure, a flutter, a slam of a coronary thrombosis and fell instantly dead on the floor of the casino.