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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Coral snake

Coral \Cor"al\, n. [Of. coral, F, corail, L. corallum, coralium, fr. Gr. kora`llion.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa.

    Note: The large stony corals forming coral reefs belong to various genera of Madreporaria, and to the hydroid genus, Millepora. The red coral, used in jewelry, is the stony axis of the stem of a gorgonian ( Corallium rubrum) found chiefly in the Mediterranean. The fan corals, plume corals, and sea feathers are species of Gorgoniacea, in which the axis is horny. Organ-pipe coral is formed by the genus Tubipora, an Alcyonarian, and black coral is in part the axis of species of the genus Antipathes. See Anthozoa, Madrepora.

  2. The ovaries of a cooked lobster; -- so called from their color.

  3. A piece of coral, usually fitted with small bells and other appurtenances, used by children as a plaything. Brain coral, or Brain stone coral. See under Brain. Chain coral. See under Chain. Coral animal (Zo["o]l.), one of the polyps by which corals are formed. They are often very erroneously called coral insects. Coral fish. See in the Vocabulary. Coral reefs (Phys. Geog.), reefs, often of great extent, made up chiefly of fragments of corals, coral sands, and the solid limestone resulting from their consolidation. They are classed as fringing reefs, when they border the land; barrier reefs, when separated from the shore by a broad belt of water; atolls, when they constitute separate islands, usually inclosing a lagoon. See Atoll. Coral root (Bot.), a genus ( Corallorhiza) of orchideous plants, of a yellowish or brownish red color, parasitic on roots of other plants, and having curious jointed or knotted roots not unlike some kinds of coral. See Illust. under Coralloid. Coral snake. (Zo)

    1. A small, venomous, Brazilian snake (Elaps corallinus), coral-red, with black bands.

    2. A small, harmless, South American snake ( Tortrix scytale).

      Coral tree (Bot.), a tropical, leguminous plant, of several species, with showy, scarlet blossoms and coral-red seeds. The best known is Erythrina Corallodendron.

      Coral wood, a hard, red cabinet wood.

coral snake

n. Any of various venomous snakes of the genera ''Micrurus'' and ''Micruroides'', native to tropical South America and Southern USA and having bright bands of red, yellow and black.

coral snake
  1. n. any of various venomous elapid snakes of Asia and Africa and Australia [syn: Old World coral snake]

  2. any of several venomous New World snakes brilliantly banded in red and black and either yellow or white; widely distributed in South America and Central America [syn: harlequin-snake, New World coral snake]

Coral snake

Coral snakes are a large group of elapid snakes that can be subdivided into two distinct groups, Old World coral snakes and New World coral snakes. There are 16 species of Old World coral snake in three genera ( Calliophis, Hemibungarus and Sinomicrurus), and over 65 recognized species of New World coral snakes in three genera ( Leptomicrurus, Micruroides, and Micrurus). Genetic studies have found that the most basal lineages are Asian, indicating that the group originated in the Old World.

Usage examples of "coral snake".

And the coral snake which had so recently witnessed the death of its mate at the hands of Man was in no hurry.

If Mike does not trust you, blindly and all out, he can be instantly aggressive and much more deadly than that coral snake.

The thing that made that coral snake dangerous was that I hadn't known what it was, what it could do.

A coral snake, its beautiful bright bands announcing that it could kill you fast, slithered by not six feet from Laura's foot.

Most of the Lunarians wore ordinary garments, although their styles of it-upward-flared collars, short cloaks, dagged skirts, pectoral sunbursts, insignia of phyle or family, colors, iridescences, inset glitterlights, details more fanciful still-would have been florid were it not as natural on them as brilliance on a coral snake.