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vb. (en-third-person singular of: convey)

Usage examples of "conveys".

His grace somehow conveys an impression of- force, of command, assurance, vitality and power that is attractive.

It is a worthwhile thing to do, for it conveys a level of understanding of one another that makes hate almost impossible.

Image successful if it conveys the idea vividly and truthfully, 515-m.

Chelsea at that time was a riverside village, and the lodgings of the Mozarts were in Five Fields, a name which conveys a pleasant suggestion of the country, but, alas!

Reason conveys information in any account it gives, but the act which aims at being intellectual is, here, not intellection but rather its failure: therefore the representation of Matter must be spurious, unreal, something sprung of the Alien, of the unreal, and bound up with the alien reason.

In a word, intellection is vested in the activities themselves: since, then, the activities of self-intellection are intellective-forms, We, the Authentic We, are the Intelligibles and self-intellection conveys the Image of the Intellectual Sphere.

The entire soul-period conveys with it all the requisite Reason-Principles, and so too the same existents appear once more under their action.

Anyone upholding this opinion would be obliged to say not merely that free act exists nowhere but that the very word conveys nothing to him.

His letter was as follows: I have received your letter, my dear Minister: it forcibly conveys the expression of your right feeling, which revolts against oppression, severity, and the abase of power.