Crossword clues for conveniences
The Collaborative International Dictionary
conveniences \conveniences\ n. things that make one comfortable and at ease.
Syn: comforts, creature comforts, amenities.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
"material appliances conducive to personal comfort," 1670s, plural of convenience.
n. (plural of convenience English)
n. things that make you comfortable and at ease; "all the comforts of home" [syn: comforts, creature comforts, amenities]
Usage examples of "conveniences".
We're sort of all crammed into this warren despite the conveniences and amenities.
However, she told herself firmly as she was shown the ingenious disposition of the tiny cabin's conveniences, that Ballybran had given her delusions of grandeur.
Sometimes she missed the push-button conveniences that back on old Earth had eliminated the drudgery of monotonous household tasks.
Benden had been constructed with all the same conveniences that Fort Hold boasted.
And that many of the conveniences which were our heritage from our ancestors have begun to fail.
He has given us no machines and tools and conveniences that they did not have and use when they first came to Pern.
There they found the conveniences of seeing many countries on all hands, for no ship went any voyage into which he and his companions were not very welcome.
He is an unskilful physician, that cannot cure one disease without casting his patient into another: so he that can find no other way for correcting the errors of his people, but by taking from them the conveniences of life, shows that he knows not what it is to govern a free nation.
For as our understandings are not worse than theirs, so our government, if I mistake not, being more ancient, a long practice has helped us to find out many conveniences of life: and some happy chances have discovered other things to us, which no man’s understanding could ever have invented.
For if those who work were employed only in such things as the conveniences of life require, there would be such an abundance of them that the prices of them would so sink that tradesmen could not be maintained by their gains.
Upon this they infer that no man ought to seek his own conveniences so eagerly as to prejudice others.
So he that can find no other way for correcting the errors of his people but by taking from them the conveniences of life, shows that he knows not what it is to govern a free nation.
Claire didn't like the ultramodern condos, despite their conveniences, and though she hadn't really considered a house, in the end it was a tiny, neat house that won over the apartments.
But no way in hell am I givin' up my modem conveniences for no love stick, I don't care how big it is.
It struck Jackson that she was very comfortable here, alone in the woods, without any of the modern conveniences everyone else thought they had to have.