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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
oral contraceptive
▪ The clinic distributes contraceptives free of charge.
▪ But there is no such thing as a 100-per-cent reliable contraceptive.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

contraceptive \contraceptive\ adj. capable of preventing conception or impregnation; as, contraceptive devices and medications.

Syn: prophylactic.


contraceptive \contraceptive\ n. a substance or device used to prevent conception.

Syn: preventive, preventative, contraceptive device, prophylactic device, prophylactic.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1891 (n.), 1918 (adj.), from stem of contraception + -ive.


a. That acts to prevent conception as a result of sexual intercourse. n. A mechanism or means by which conception as a result of sexual intercourse can be prevented or made less likely.


n. an agent or device intended to prevent conception [syn: preventive, preventative, contraceptive device, prophylactic device, birth control device]


adj. capable of preventing conception or impregnation; "contraceptive devices and medications" [syn: prophylactic, antifertility]


Usage examples of "contraceptive".

Paiute tribe as a contraceptive, has since been found to inhibit gonadotrophins in mice.

Reynolds Hospital said today that the company should place contraceptives on the general benefits list.

Examples: getting state aid for having a child, escaping a dysfunctional family of origin by getting pregnant, trying to find someone to love by having a baby, knowing a happily married teenager but knowing little about the difficult experiences of an unwanted pregnancy, believing birth control is racial genocide, assuming that all a woman can do is raise babies, assuming your buddies can tell you everything you need to know about sex and contraception, having intercourse for months before going to a birth control clinic, being unable to talk with our partner about sex and birth control, having little interaction with our parents about sex, assuming wrongly that you aren't going to have sex so there is no need to prepare, having low self-esteem and low self-control, overlooking the pleasures and gratitude of your partner when you use contraceptives, etc.

One of the ayahs, the youngest and prettiest one, knelt down in front of the Prince, struggling desperately to control her giggles as she slipped off the contraceptive sheath he'd been wearing.

Comstock had spent twenty years using his congressionally mandated (and constitutionally quite ques­tionable) powers to persecute zealously anyone who dealt in contraceptive devices, pregnancy abortions, ribald literature and photographs, and anything else that met his rather expan­sive definition of “obscene.

Not for them the contraceptive gas that permeated Folk breathing spaces.

He wound on, feeling soon he'd start to think about collapsing and just letting the stream float him out with pornographic pictures, coffee grounds, contraceptives used and unused, shit, up through the flushing tank to the East River and across on the tide to the stone forests of Queens.

Competitive inhibition, 105 Compound eye, 273 Concussion, 163 Conditioned reflex, 313-17 Conditioning, 312-17 Cones, 289 Conjunctiva, 278 Conjunctivitis, 279 Contraceptives, oral, 108 Convolutions, 149 Cori, Carl F.

Another contraceptive device becoming more popular is the IUD, or the loop.

On her sixteenth birthday, Lily would be taken to the port to join a mob of other young illegals destined to live and die on the colony planet, and if it hadn't been for the recent abortion and the implant of a very illicit five-year contraceptive device, the poor little cow wouldn't have lasted until deportation.

She was using an IUD, which was supposed to be the most effective contraceptive device next to the pill.

Three abortions in two years and the belated knowledge that her days on the contraceptive pill had put her, as far as cancer was concerned, in one of the highest-risk categories of all.

Somehow Nat, the midwestern earthmother blond, had taken a contraceptive pill and, even with Doc watching, had avoided swallowing it.

Forgetting to take a228crucial contraceptive pill, or even a faulty condom, couldhave been sufficient to put her in the club.

Somehow Nat, the midwestern earthmother blond, had taken a contraceptive pill and, even with Doe watching, had avoided swallowing it.