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n. (plural of continuum English)


See continuum

  1. n. a continuous nonspatial whole or extent or succession in which no part or portion is distinct of distinguishable from adjacent parts

  2. [also: continua (pl)]

Usage examples of "continua".

San-Felice continua son chemin et monta dans la voiture, qui partit au grand trot.

Et la repetition continua exactement comme si elle avait ete dirigee par un bon metteur en scene.

Ourteau, continua Barincq, mes vaches nous donnent une moyenne de 1,500 litres.

And between them, Jay and Raelle described the phenomena of parallel continua and of the Drift between them.

If the dynamics of it bother you, bear in mind that both are four dimensional continua and from that point of view both are wholly static.

Nelson, continua la reine, combien nous avons besoin de vous et quels immenses services vous pouvez nous rendre!

Strange energistic vortices swirled around the dimensional twist where the two continua intermingled, kinking reality.

Mereological sums exist not only as configurations of physical objects in space but as sequences, or continua, of mental and physical events in time.

And yet the manifestations of the sort of uncertainty which had characterized some aspects of magic and which he now attributed to hypothetical additional continua had occurred frequently, even in modern times.

Trotting continua 11y in and out of her cousin's chamber, prattling and chattering, nibbling endless chocolate almonds and spewing unwanted advice, Aurelie seemed to imagine herself about to embark upon a pleasure jaunt.

Para esa convicción, que puede ser pasajera o continua, pero que nadie elude, fue escrito el verso de Zuhair.

Su actividad mental es continua, apasionada, versátil y del todo insignificante.

Alegremente se perdieron en él, al principio como si condescendieran a un juego y después no sin inquietud, porque sus rectas avenidas adolecían de una curvatura muy suave pero continua y secretamente eran círculos.