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n. (plural of contactee English)

Usage examples of "contactees".

They said they had interviewed several other contactees, all with stories similar to his own.

Publicized contactees like Woodrow Derenberger receive the full treatment.

Woody decided to write a book about his experiences and, like most contactees, ended up paying for the cost of printing himself.

Many of the choicest tidbits in UFO lore were not actual events but were put into circulation by contactees who placed their complete trust in their contacters.

Then, too, most contactees have active or latent psychic abilities before contact.

Long Island, I discovered, was crawling with contactees of all ages and both sexes.

I was talking to half-a-dozen entities through contactees scattered throughout the Northeast.

Many of the contactees and their open-mouthed followers believed this was the case.

First, contactees would relay my questions to them and relay their answers back to me.

Nor had I discussed the disaster prediction with anyone other than the contactees who were told about it.

I returned to New York in December I found that my entire stable of contactees was mourning my passing.

The entities spread vicious rumors, turned against the contactees, and terrified them.

Harassed contactees were ordered to sign an impressive-looking piece of parchment, allegedly a contract for their beleaguered souls.

No one other than a couple of contactees knew of the Indian-like entity named Lia.

A press conference was held and he was catapulted into the never-never land of the UFO contactees, the center of one of the biggest UFO stories of 1966.