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n. 1 A person who is contacted by someone. 2 (context ufology dated English) A person who claims to have been contacted by alien beings from outer space.


Contactees are persons who claim to have experienced contact with extraterrestrials. Contactees have typically reported that they were given messages or profound wisdom by extraterrestrial beings. These claimed encounters are often described as ongoing, but some contactees claim to have had as few as a single encounter.

As a cultural phenomenon, contactees perhaps had their greatest notoriety from the late 1940s to the late 1950s, but individuals continue to make similar claims in the present. Some have shared their messages with small groups of followers, and many have issued newsletters or spoken at UFO conventions.

The contactee movement has seen serious attention from academics and mainstream scholars. Among the earliest was the classic 1956 study, When Prophecy Fails by Leon Festinger, Henry Riecken, and Stanley Schachter, which analyzed the phenomenon. There have been at least two university-level anthologies of scientific papers regarding the contactee movements (see sources below). "The contactee movement is a rich treat for anthropologists, sticky with sincere and sincerely deluded individuals. Were the contactees in touch with anything other than their own internal fantasies?"

Contactee accounts are generally different from those who allege alien abduction, in that while contactees usually describe beneficial experiences involving human-like aliens, abductees rarely describe their experiences positively.

Usage examples of "contactee".

People who see ghosts or religious apparitions have the same patterns as the UFO contactees.

They said they had interviewed several other contactees, all with stories similar to his own.

Publicized contactees like Woodrow Derenberger receive the full treatment.

Woody decided to write a book about his experiences and, like most contactees, ended up paying for the cost of printing himself.

Many of the choicest tidbits in UFO lore were not actual events but were put into circulation by contactees who placed their complete trust in their contacters.

Then, too, most contactees have active or latent psychic abilities before contact.

Long Island, I discovered, was crawling with contactees of all ages and both sexes.

I was talking to half-a-dozen entities through contactees scattered throughout the Northeast.

Many of the contactees and their open-mouthed followers believed this was the case.

First, contactees would relay my questions to them and relay their answers back to me.

Nor had I discussed the disaster prediction with anyone other than the contactees who were told about it.

I returned to New York in December I found that my entire stable of contactees was mourning my passing.

The entities spread vicious rumors, turned against the contactees, and terrified them.

Harassed contactees were ordered to sign an impressive-looking piece of parchment, allegedly a contract for their beleaguered souls.

No one other than a couple of contactees knew of the Indian-like entity named Lia.