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consulting firm

n. a firm of experts providing professional advice to an organization for a fee [syn: consulting company]

Consulting firm

A consulting firm is a firm of one or more experts ( consultants) that provides professional advice to an individual or an organization for a fee.

The primary purpose of a consulting firm is to provide access to industry-specific specialists / consultants and subject-matter expert.

Usage examples of "consulting firm".

So legitimate that what exists in his consulting firm is probably fine rice compared to the trade business.

He's also the head of both a trade factoring firm and a consulting firm.

He uses his consulting firm-and that's an economic consulting firm in only the broadest sense-as an intelligence brokerage.

And Thomason happened to be part owner of an air charter consulting firm.

Get any information you can about this New Directions consulting firm.

I went down the hall, past the quiet buzz of the consulting firm that took up most of the space on the floor, to my office door.

And that meant that when he left government service, he'd increase his income by an order of magnitude or so with some consulting firm or other.

The massive consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton, which frequently bids for NSA contracts, hired Studeman's successor as director, retired vice admiral J.

From there to my own full-time consulting firm was only a matter of months.

He was now a vice president of a successful engineering consulting firm.

I talked to a Mexican mobster who was a front for the real owner, a California consulting firm called the Mulholland Group.

McFarlane went on to form his own consulting firm, and joined the board of American Equity Investors (AEI), founded by Prescott Bush.

MARDER TAKES CONSULTING POST In a surprise move, John Marder, 46, has left Norton Aircraft to head The Aviation Institute, an aerospace consulting firm with close ties to European carriers.