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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
benefit greatly/enormously/considerably etc
▪ I’m sure you’ll benefit greatly from the visit.
considerably inferior (=by quite a large amount)
▪ They have the same number of points as the league leaders, but a considerably inferior goal difference.
▪ He has changed considerably in four years.
▪ The amount of food available varies considerably from season to season.
considerably/substantially worse
▪ To make matters considerably worse, he lost his job.
considerably/substantially (=a lot)
▪ During this period unemployment decreased considerably.
differ considerably/widely/substantially (=greatly)
▪ Opinions differ widely on the best way to do this.
greatly/substantially/considerably reduce
▪ He has greatly reduced the political power of the armed forces.
▪ We must in fact recognise that Third World countries are considerably different from one another.
▪ The reason she gives why she will not is considerably different.
▪ The facts are considerably different from these myths: Virtually all studies indicate that over four-fifths of teenage pregnancies are unintended.
▪ It is considerably easier to trace Philip Leapor.
▪ A word presented at the end of a sentence is considerably easier to recognise than that same word presented in isolation.
▪ Separating the two parts is considerably easier than with cast iron.
▪ Other drafts give parliament considerably greater authority than he would like.
▪ This has created considerably greater demand for both rentals and purchases.
▪ But the number of students per school in the state sector is considerably greater than in the private sector.
▪ We shall find that the argument for four-dimensionality has a considerably greater force in that case.
▪ And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
▪ Cytomegalovirus is a less well-known infection which affects considerably greater numbers of babies than rubella.
▪ Increasing the number of squares allowed gives one considerably greater freedom.
▪ The rate of conception is, however, considerably higher than this, possibly 1 in 200 conceptions.
▪ At all ages rates for men are considerably higher than those for women of the same age.
▪ Attendance was considerably higher than in previous years, with over 1,000 visitors per day.
▪ As expected, contraction frequency was considerably higher during the day.
▪ Other analyses of soda-rich plant ashes contained considerably higher magnesia levels accompanying the soda.
▪ The Cytherean atmosphere is far more massive than that of the Earth, and the surface temperatures are considerably higher.
▪ This is a percentage of the total borrowing requirement and, if you are carrying accumulated losses, can be considerably high.
▪ But it is considerably worse than that, as the story quickly makes clear.
▪ What was considerably worse is that she had found it.
▪ Women also did considerably worse when it came to identifying his main election rival, Labour's Alan Milburn.
▪ Black trainees are subject to considerably worse conditions than their white colleagues.
▪ These problems can be hereditary and there is no doubt that they can be triggered or made considerably worse by stress.
▪ But by move 50 he seemed to have lost the thread of the game completely and his position was considerably worse.
▪ It is considerably worse than that in other continental countries.
▪ The following day his chest got considerably worse and this led to his hospitalization.
▪ In fact he had his own office and a considerably larger area of carpet than anyone in Berebury suspected.
▪ Both new restaurants are considerably larger and more posh than their older sister establishments.
▪ Occasionally, one would be considerably larger than its brethren with its crest attempting to break.
▪ Months later it merged with the considerably larger Mothercare chain in a reverse take-over.
▪ With a smaller population than London, New York City has a considerably larger police force.
▪ Moreover, to be able to perform a reliable statistical analysis the sample size must be considerably larger.
▪ In a pond goldfish will grow considerably larger than if kept in an indoor aquarium.
▪ Because Congregationalists were such a wealthy denomination the true figure would be considerably larger.
▪ It would have taken our ancestors considerably longer to do the same job 2,000 years ago.
▪ However, these pauses were considerably longer for the philosophical section of the passage than for the description of the countryside.
▪ A larger, more general system would need considerably longer stretches of the utterance, and/or considerably more complex top-down information.
▪ The slow and laborious nature of the work has meant that the fit-out has taken considerably longer than anticipated.
▪ In fact it takes considerably longer.
▪ Also his journeys to and from work would have been considerably longer and more expensive.
▪ A considerably longer time is required for complete deformation to occur.
▪ However, the interest of neurophysiologists has a considerably longer history.
▪ Previous estimates had been considerably lower.
▪ I took the test, and my score was considerably lower than his.
▪ We are now talking about a rate support grant of about 42 percent. - considerably lower.
▪ Second, the actual difficulties encountered overseas appeared to be of a considerably lower order of intensity than had been feared.
▪ So, by the time tax is calculated and paid, rates could be considerably lower than they might be next week.
▪ This number is considerably lower than in previous years.
▪ The considerably lower activity found in malignant ascites may explain why coagulopathy after shunting is less pronounced in this group of patients.
▪ Therefore, these market makers have considerably lower transactions costs than other potential arbitrageurs.
▪ Hargreave was considerably older than her, and in a position of advanced responsibility.
▪ Some of the rooms depicted within Claverton Manor are considerably older than the house itself.
▪ His room mate, who was considerably older, was due to preach a sermon at St Paul's Cathedral but fell ill.
▪ Dad was now seventy, and Mama, although still in her early fifties, looked considerably older.
▪ Her own affairs, always with men considerably older than herself, had not ended so amicably.
▪ The Herald file on Hugh Puddephat contained only two more cuttings, both considerably older than those connected with the inquest.
▪ He is still very much alive and he looks just like his pictures, only considerably older of course.
▪ She, like Martha Freeman, was considerably older than him.
▪ Their brains are larger in absolute terms than those of chimps but relative to body size, they are considerably smaller.
▪ The gap between rich and poor is considerably smaller than in the United States.
▪ Continuing family involvement means that the endowment may be considerably smaller.
▪ Moreover, the cumulative impact of temporary disablements is considerably smaller than that of permanent impairments.
▪ The Durava was a considerably smaller caste than the Salagama, and its social status was probably slightly lower.
▪ Although he was now nearly twenty, he was still considerably smaller than even Mike, who was nearest him in age.
▪ Expansion in the service sector has been considerably smaller than the decline in manufacturing.
▪ The audience, potential and actual, for television was considerably smaller.
▪ With an improved public expenditure allocation for April 1992, the future is looking considerably better.
▪ Anyway, voting Conservative would be considerably better for our businesses.
▪ She looked considerably better and wanted to hear all about it.
▪ The hotel was a good one, not luxurious, but considerably better than she was accustomed to staying in while working.
▪ So long as two key sequences do not produce overlapping remainders this can achieve results considerably better than true randomization.
▪ Some had fared considerably better than others, leading to a differentiated society.
▪ The situation was considerably better among Baptists where half the ministers had received some form of higher education.
▪ It might have done considerably better than that.
▪ What added considerably to this worried mother's concern was a letter she had received that morning.
▪ And using Cousin Franklin as a premier background source, Joe was able to add considerably to his wealth and fame.
▪ They must have added considerably to the wealth of the See of Canterbury.
▪ This could add considerably to the existing demand to rehabilitate patients from Rampton special hospital, which also lies within Bassetlaw.
▪ They add considerably to the tone of the tuba, however, when used on their low notes.
▪ These can add considerably to the cost of setting up a greenhouse, so make detailed enquiries before you buy.
▪ These chords with augmented fourths are both strongly dissonant and can add considerably to the variety of harmonic colour available.
▪ The social side of the group is very important and adds considerably to the enjoyment of the meetings.
▪ It contained a great hall but was considerably altered following afire in 1871.
▪ As I came to this-to me-almost sacred spot, it already looked considerably altered.
▪ In combination, these changes have considerably altered the character of most places in Britain.
▪ Much depends on the determination of workers to defend jobs and conditions, and factors like this may alter considerably over time.
▪ Given the rate of inflation of food prices, all forms of relief expenditure would have become considerably more expensive.
▪ When fruits and vegetables are this good it becomes considerably easier to meet that recommended five to six servings per day.
▪ By now there were more serious difficulties affecting Charlie's behaviour that became considerably more alarming.
▪ They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.
▪ By this stage his photography had become considerably better.
▪ If he were to read it with a less selective eye, he would benefit considerably.
▪ Marginal plants can benefit considerably from this treatment, but it should not be provided for those of a rampant nature.
▪ Local and national Health of the Nation initiatives would benefit considerably from such an approach.
▪ The event has changed considerably during its twenty-five years.
▪ This has changed considerably in recent years.
▪ As the goldfish age their colouration can change considerably.
▪ Now the situation has changed considerably.
▪ Water is capable of dissolving carbon dioxide; the composition of the atmosphere would therefore change considerably.
▪ Of course all this, for Sammler, had changed considerably in the last thirty years.
▪ The transmitters, however, have changed considerably.
▪ From the late seventies through today, the priority list of undergraduates questions has changed considerably: Where can I get in?
▪ The process of care differs considerably from recommended guidelines, and the outcome of attacks is a continuing cause for concern.
▪ However, their historical development as nations has differed considerably.
▪ The above examples of culturally defined behaviour have been selected because they differ considerably from behaviour patterns in Western society.
▪ Existing intermediate agencies differ considerably, responding to quite different circumstances.
▪ The drawing of Orpheus himself also differs considerably between the two.
▪ Clearly, communes differ considerably from one another.
▪ Prospects for its future use will have been considerably enhanced by this initiative, and reflects well on those involved.
▪ Furthermore, quality control of production is considerably enhanced.
▪ The degree of social closure of the upper class is considerably enhanced by the extensive networks of interlocking directorships.
▪ Since then, the homoeopathic materia medica has been expanded considerably as more and more remedies are proved.
▪ Much of the electrochemistry chapter could be deleted with no loss in relevant content and the section on biosensors considerably expanded.
▪ Thereafter, however, the economy expanded considerably.
▪ This figure is expected to expand considerably at main diets.
▪ Effects Over the last twenty-five years the choral vocabulary has been considerably expanded to explore many sound effects never conventionally used before.
▪ Lime burning had expanded considerably at Halling in the second half of the eighteenth century.
▪ Subsequently, the level of Authority investment in management training expanded considerably.
▪ The remaining seven chapters, many of which have been introduced in the second edition, considerably expand the scope of coverage.
▪ Another type of use is for Sales and Marketing, which is expected to grow considerably in the future.
▪ Man himself has grown considerably taller during the quarter-million years he has been on Earth.
▪ By 1901, the population had grown considerably but increased use of birth control was narrowing the lower part of the pyramid.
▪ The Secretary of State is clearly a beneficiary of the legislation; the powers bestowed on that office have grown considerably.
▪ Our direct marketing services, established in 1988, have also grown considerably.
▪ Sixty years on and the market has grown considerably.
▪ The sense of involvement has grown considerably and what had previously been a relatively isolated job has now become increasingly rich.
▪ In a pond goldfish will grow considerably larger than if kept in an indoor aquarium.
▪ This will considerably help cash Mow problems for new haulage firms and hauliers still operating at a modest turnover.
▪ Learning to think positively and to look towards healthy outcomes can help considerably in any diet programme.
▪ Does he agree that a national lottery would help considerably?
▪ In recent years, however, the Government has introduced new rules which help considerably.
▪ Here systems analysis has helped considerably.
▪ Our ability to supply gas in outlying areas has been considerably improved in joint 26A co-operation with our P.E. manufacturers.
▪ The Interactions have been considerably improved and unnecessary co-ordination removed from the interface.
▪ This considerably improves appearance and provides for the disinfection requirement.
▪ More to the point, we have considerably improved, by increasing their numbers, the service provided by prison officers.
▪ The general standard of joiner work achieved by this company has improved considerably during the past four years.
▪ Also, standards of service on many main line routes were improved considerably, particularly the inter-urban routes.
▪ In terms of housing standards and occupancy rates, conditions have improved considerably during the course of this century.
▪ The South-East had improved considerably, its growth reasserted, and the north-south divide was re-established.
▪ Coal imports will also increase considerably probably reaching some 20% of demand by the year 2000.
▪ The volume of glucose tests performed in the laboratory has increased considerably making automated instruments more convenient and practical to use presently.
▪ We have had reports from a high percentage of attendees that their levels of self-esteem and confidence have increased considerably.
▪ Vitamin C consumption increased considerably from 1965 to 1977. 8.
▪ In recent years, the number of visitors to Foxton has increased considerably, as has interest in industrial archaeology.
▪ While rates in some states increased considerably, rates in twenty-two states declined over the same time period.
▪ The wintering population has increased considerably in recent years, but little change at other seasons is apparent.
▪ Adenoidectomy will considerably reduce the overall duration of glue ear.
▪ Suffice it to say that the whisper eventually turned into a shout and the five-foot pile of dirt was reduced considerably.
▪ Those who stop smoking considerably reduce their chance of developing one of these diseases.
▪ Amelia, her finances considerably reduced, saw an opportunity and set about getting her Kinner.
▪ This considerably reduces shrinkage and weight loss.
▪ This state of the art technology will considerably reduce maintenance and increase durability of the needles three fold.
▪ The reduction in grant levels will considerably reduce the pressure for land improvements.
▪ However, over the period of the relocation programme, house prices rose considerably.
▪ Incomes have risen considerably in recent years.
▪ Her spirits rose considerably at the sight of an uneven blob of wax.
▪ Inequality Building society mortgage arrears have risen considerably in the last few years.
▪ The proportion of women combatants has risen considerably over the last three years.
▪ Between now and the end of the century the number of very old people will rise considerably.
▪ The procedure by way of judicial review was simplified in 1977 and the number of applications rose considerably.
▪ The customer base was considerably strengthened and a variety of new products launched.
▪ If this could be accomplished, the teaching of the master would not only prevail, they would be considerably strengthened.
▪ Once crowned, his position had divine sanction, was regarded by the church as sacrosanct, and so was considerably strengthened.
▪ In a short period of rapid theoretical development the emergent core of regional planning principles and practices strengthened considerably.
▪ The amount of force needed to lock them will vary considerably from aircraft to aircraft and even perhaps from day to day.
▪ The weight of taxation varied considerably from region to region.
▪ As has been reported above, individual non-consultation rates vary considerably between universities, the range being from zero to ninety-three percent.
▪ Organizational structure... varies considerably from industry to industry and from small firms to big ones.
▪ Some Basic Courtship Considerations Clearly the relationships in which we are involved vary considerably.
▪ Because of the diversity of duties and levels of responsibility, their educational backgrounds and experience vary considerably.
▪ The strength of these attitudes varied considerably between different countries.
▪ Users' attitudes regarding the value of these committees varied considerably.
▪ The sea turtle's natural habitat has been considerably reduced.
▪ A couple of thousand was considerably more than her own car was worth!
▪ A large exploration programme both on and offshore is in progress, though the level of activity has varied considerably.
▪ Because of the diversity of duties and levels of responsibility, their educational backgrounds and experience vary considerably.
▪ In such circumstances the abilities of individual farmers to retain the loyalty and affection of their workers will be considerably tested.
▪ In terms of housing standards and occupancy rates, conditions have improved considerably during the course of this century.
▪ Interruptible gas supplies undercut the cost of fuel oil considerably.
▪ The last year, I've cut down considerably anyway.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Considerably \Con*sid"er*a*bly\, adv. In a manner or to a degree not trifling or unimportant; greatly; much.

The breeds . . . differ considerably from each other.


adv. Significantly; to a degree worth considering.


adv. to a great extent or degree; "I'm afraid the film was well over budget"; "painting the room white made it seem considerably (or substantially) larger"; "the house has fallen considerably in value"; "the price went up substantially" [syn: well, substantially]

Usage examples of "considerably".

For some distance, however, it runs placidly along by the sea-shore, on which big, blue, foam-crested rollers were disporting themselves noisily, and passes through several Aino hamlets, and the Aino village of Abuta, with sixty houses, rather a prosperous-looking place, where the cultivation was considerably more careful, and the people possessed a number of horses.

He and Adams talked all the way, making the journey, as Adams related to Abigail, considerably less tedious than it might have been.

Third Street, the home of Mayor Samuel Powel, whose wealth and taste could be measured in richly carved paneling, magnificent paintings, a tea service in solid silver that would have fetched considerably more than the entire contents of the Adams household at Braintree.

As time passed and his French improved, Adams further realized that Franklin spoke the language poorly and understood considerably less than he let on.

Indeed, he thought Franklin, Jay, and Adams had obtained considerably more from the British than he had thought possible.

Further, he was considerably more disapproving of the outspokenness and apparent promiscuity of French women than ever Adams had been.

The burden, heavy as it was, lightened considerably as he imagined how proud and thrilled Miss Althea would be with her winter meat.

In Chapter V, above, we left the antisubmarine situation in June 1942 considerably improved, but it did not long stay improved.

He was strangely convinced that the marking was the print of some bulky, unknown, and radically unclassifiable organism of considerably advanced evolution, notwithstanding that the rock which bore it was of so vastly ancient a date - Cambrian if not actually pre-Cambrian - as to preclude the probable existence not only of all highly evolved life, but of any life at all above the unicellular or at most the trilobite stage.

Then, too, the Ayuntamiento was always in arrears in paying us our monthly stipend, a sum considerably reduced from what they had originally promised.

Taliofi was as good a place for a runaway Batcher as anyand considerably better than some.

The much bemedaled slate Stannall had given me the day of the Mil invasion turned out to have considerably more value to me personally than a mere official propitiation.

CHAPTER VI AN UNEXPECTED PASSENGER THE ladies passed the whole of the first day of the voyage in their berths, for there was a heavy swell in the sea, and toward evening the wind blew pretty fresh, and the DUNCAN tossed and pitched considerably.

No, bioelectronics was my field, although administering a project like this has forced me to branch out considerably.

That left Blade facing two opponents, both of them considerably more skilled than his first man.