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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Confirm \Con*firm"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Confrmed; p. pr. & vb. n. Confirming.] [OE. confermen, confirmen, OF. confermer, F. confirmer, fr. L. confirmare; con- + firmare to make firm, fr. firmus firm. See Firm.]

  1. To make firm or firmer; to add strength to; to establish; as, health is confirmed by exercise.

    Confirm the crown to me and to mine heirs.

    And confirmed the same unto Jacob for a law.
    --Ps. cv. 10.

  2. To strengthen in judgment or purpose.

    Confirmed, then, I resolve Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe.

  3. To give new assurance of the truth of; to render certain; to verify; to corroborate; as, to confirm a rumor.

    Your eyes shall witness and confirm my tale.

    These likelihoods confirm her flight.

  4. To render valid by formal assent; to complete by a necessary sanction; to ratify; as, to confirm the appoinment of an official; the Senate confirms a treaty.

    That treaty so prejudicial ought to have been remitted rather than confimed.

  5. (Eccl.) To administer the rite of confirmation to. See Confirmation, 3.

    Those which are thus confirmed are thereby supposed to be fit for admission to the sacrament.

    Syn: To strengthen; corroborate; substantiate; establish; fix; ratify; settle; verify; assure.


vb. (present participle of confirm English)

  1. adj. indicating existence or presence of a suspected condition or pathogen; "a positive pregnancy test" [syn: positive] [ant: negative]

  2. serving to support or corroborate; "collateral evidence" [syn: collateral, confirmative, confirmatory, corroborative, corroboratory, substantiating, substantiative, validating, validatory, verificatory, verifying]

Usage examples of "confirming".

By that time, both Menolly and Piemur had been bombarded with confirming images from their own fire-lizards, vivid scenes of men and women coming down a ramp, interwoven with views of the cylinders gliding in to land and taking off again.

A moment later, a sign appeared in the unit's readout, confirming that the computer inside was set to mimic the tubby man's code.

Well, this would be confirming reported data that we haven't observed for ourselves.

Anyhow, Olga and I have already sent a signal back confirming that the leaders are up here.

That had been the message confirming the presence of the Soviet leaders.

The Zaid-Dayan's sensitive detectors were able to pinpoint the ships' locations on the surface, confirming that they had both settled onto the original contact site.

A clerk standing by the Speaker's podium murmured into a microphone, confirming to the occupant the practice vote just cast.

He hadn't tried to argue away Fassa's stories implicating his nephew, and now he would not evade the duty of confirming those stories.

Fanine discreetly gathered evidence of a complex system of graft, payoffs and kickbacks, confirming CenCom's suspicions.

Picking up the aud/vid broadcasts and confirming that they were heading for the griffin stronghold should have made her relax, but she seemed more concentrated than ever.

She glanced at her wrist-unit, confirming it with the cabin time display.

She let him have just a confirming glimpse of her teary face, although why she was prolonging their association, she hadn't a notion.

Zainal went through the worst damaged, scorched boards and chose several which, when they reached Catten, he would substitute for the usable ones, thus confirming the substantial damage which had delayed their return.

First there would be the brief formality of Ezra Keroon, as fleet astrogator, confirming the exact ETA at their parking orbit, and then the landing site would be chosen.

She, Ben, and Liu went through the routine landing procedures, confirming atmosphere, temperature, and wind velocity before exiting, garbed in their cumbersome protective suits.