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n. (plural of confessor English)

Usage examples of "confessors".

Her mother had never spoken bitterly of losing her husband to the Confessors, but explained instead the honor Cyrilla and Harold had of sharing blood with the Confessors, even if it was mostly unspoken.

Though Cyrilla knew they must have emotions like anyone, Confessors were trained to subjugate them.

Since the selection was made in secrecy, Cyrilla knew little about the succession of Confessors, except that it was done without animosity or rivalry, and had to do with the strength of power weighed against age and training.

Mother Confessors before me, let the Central Council decide for themselves what they wish, how they want the Midlands ruled.

They know that if they were bold enough to allow their ambitions a free rein, I, or any of the Confessors, could take their ruler with our magic.

There were wizards and Confessors coming and going, and at times others were permitted to enter.

Mother Confessor, that there is a reason why Confessors are not supposed to love their mates?

All Confessors wore dresses cut the same, square at the neck, long, simple, free of embellishment, and satiny smooth, but of black fabric.

With all the other Confessors now dead, the weight of defending the Midlands, those without power, was upon her shoulders.

Her mother, Queen Bernadine, had taught her and Harold of the need for Confessors, their need for strong blood in that line of magic, and how it served the greater cause of the Midlands in keeping peace.

From birth they were trained in Aydindril, trained by other Confessors, and by wizards.

They feared Confessors in general, regardless of age, and the Mother Confessor in particular.

There is trouble gathering and I must see that the Confessors find its cause.

Galea had offered refuge to the Confessors, but the quads, implacable, and without mercy, had found them anyway.

Like all Confessors, you make people afraid of you, so you may tell them what to do, and because they are afraid, they will do as you say.