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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Puruggnan said the alliance was formed during a secret conclave.
▪ He had been invited to Hall's conclave, but did not attend.
▪ Lally had no share in the informed conclave.
▪ One should conceive that judgment on his book is to be passed by a conclave of wise and quiet spirits.
▪ Some saw it as a policy platform for the conclave that could not long be delayed.
▪ Some say it is preparation for a conclave.
▪ The group of architects who met Hall in conclave were probably all well known to each other.
▪ There may have been secret conclaves for this purpose.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Conclave \Con"clave\ (? or ?; 277), n. [F., fr. L. conclave a room that may locked up; con- + clavis key. See Clavicle.]

  1. The set of apartments within which the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church are continuously secluded while engaged in choosing a pope.

  2. The body of cardinals shut up in the conclave for the election of a pope; hence, the body of cardinals.

    It was said a cardinal, by reason of his apparent likelihood to step into St. Peter's chair, that in two conclaves he went in pope and came out again cardinal.

  3. A private meeting; a close or secret assembly.

    The verdicts pronounced by this conclave (Johnson's Club) on new books, were speedily known over all London.

    To be in conclave, to be engaged in a secret meeting; -- said of several, or a considerable number of, persons.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "a place where cardinals meet to elect a pope," from Italian conclave, from Latin conclave "a room, chamber suite," probably originally "a room which may be locked," from com- "together" (see com-) + clavis "a key" (see slot (n.2)). Extended sense of "private assembly" is first recorded 1560s.


n. 1 The set of apartments within which the cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church are continuously secluded while engaged in choosing a pope. 2 The group of Roman Catholic cardinals locked in a conclave until they elect a new pope; the body of cardinals. 3 A private meeting; a close or secret assembly.


n. a confidential or secret meeting

Conclave (disambiguation)

Conclave may refer to:

  • Papal conclave, a meeting of the College of Cardinals to elect the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church
  • Section conclave, a regional activity of the Order of the Arrow
  • ConClave (convention), an annual science fiction convention in southeastern/central Michigan
ConClave (convention)

ConClave is an annual, weekend-long science fiction convention in southeastern/central Michigan, which draws approximately 600 people. ConClave attendees share an interest in science, science fiction, fantasy, and related genres. The ConClave convention has been held each year from 1976 to 2011, and again in 2013.

While remaining true to its literary roots, ConClave celebrates fantasy and science fiction in all its myriad forms, including art, music, theatrical performance, and film. Displays include animation, television, fantasy role-play, and renaissance reenactment. Participants include gaming enthusiasts, writers of fiction, pilots of spaceships, Rennies, and Furries. ConClave is a gathering of and for all who share a sense of wonder.

Usage examples of "conclave".

Some time later, Mohammed and the bearers returned from the shopping expedition to Beira, and he and Flynn immediately closeted themselves in secret conclave in the arsenal.

Tuesday of Holy Week, the Dean of the Sacred College appeared on the balcony of Saint John-in-Exile and promised a turbulent mob of jeering people that the conclave would begin as soon as 398 cardinals were present.

There was something eerie in holding a conclave in this way, here, in the black deeps of the Vild, perhaps six hundred trillion miles from any other human being.

Shrewdest Ones have announced that the human commander Sulu will be executed at two-thirds orbit today, unless the Federation Council agrees to an immediate lifting of the dilithium embargo, a restoration of the rights of Beta Promethean trading ships to travel throughout the galaxy, including within Federation territory, and a penalty of two hundred and fifty thousand kerns paid to the High Conclave in exchange for the return of the spies.

Only Haripol was likely to own such a car, and Sir Archie reflected with amusement that the host of John Macnab was about to attend a full conclave of the Enemy.

Great form is in a watery eclipse Obliterated from the Oceans page, And round its wreck the huge sea-monsters sit, A horrid conclave, and the whistling wave Is heaped over its carcase, like a grave.

Beast Men were in conclave at their ancient lodge on the setting-sun side of Sango Lobango.

Aeneas Sylvius laughed at the Donation of Constantine, and wrote an account of his own Conclave in the tone of a fin de siecle journalist.

A corner of his own Talent was tapped into the Voicecast going out from Darl Elivath, but most of his attention was on the Conclave before him.

Neither of them even tried to tune into the real-time Voicecasts of the ferocious Conclave session they knew was raging in Tajvana.

Your innocence will not prevent the whole adventure being booked to your account, if, in forty years time you were proposed as pope in the conclave.

Conclave could be used for getting wizard-strength warding against future compulsions, but I suppose Master Haddil could do that for us.

Since 1179, conclaves have survived earthquakes, famines, and even the plague.

Faith Day was celebrated, with the Simes giving gifts to the Gens, and vast numbers of once-a-year general-order Donors descending, on the Sime Center until, on Faith Day itself, a full holiday was declared, the house-holdings in formal conclave, families gathering from all parts, and the spring season was joyfully launched.

Nowadays, most insiders already knew who was favored to become Pope well before conclave convened, so the process was more of a three- or four-hour ritual than an actual election.