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n. (plural of concerto English)


See concerto

  1. n. a composition for orchestra and a soloist

  2. [also: concerti (pl)]

Usage examples of "concerti".

I read of a concert pianist who could play the most complex concerti from memory yet who could not point to middle C.

If composers could map that other land with their concerti, or painters with their palettes, why not other varieties of magic too?

The concerti, the often flashy and tinselly pianoforte compositions of Liszt and Rubinstein were the immediate and surface result of that deeper sense of the instrument which arrived during the nineteenth century, and intoxicated folk with the piano timbres, and made them eager to hear its many voices in no matter how crude a form.

He, the troubled, nervous, modern man, wrote with fluency fugues and double fugues, chaconnes and passacaglie, concerti grossi and variations.

He writes fugues for organs and sonatas for violin solo under the influence of Bach, concerti grossi under the influence of Haendel, variations under that of Mozart, sonatas under that of Brahms.

It is not that fugues and concerti in the olden style cannot be written to-day, that modern music and the antique forms are incompatible.

I was ready to give up rock and roll in favor of some Beethoven piano concerti, music that I hoped would soothe and calm me.

Martin himself preferred more serious music and was very familiar with the likes of Telemann and the flute concerti of Mozart and Haydn.