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The Collaborative International Dictionary

computerized \computerized\ adj. stored, processed, or analyzed by computer.

  1. (standard spelling of from=American spelling from2=Oxford British spelling computerized English) v

  2. (en-past of: computerize)


adj. stored, processed, analyzed, or generated by computer [syn: computerised]

Usage examples of "computerized".

At Detrick the MARS facility, operating round the clock, crackled with news of bees, and the results were fed to the computerized map in the control room.

As shown by the computerized map, the bees were fanning out, occupying areas more than twice as large as they had before.

The computerized machine displays each price, calculates discounts and sales taxes, and shows a total.

Franks had taken on his assignment with enthusiasm, drawn up force requirements, tested the 1003 plan in computerized war games, spent considerable time in Kuwait, and worked on plans for a new headquarters that would command all of the allied ground forces in the event of war.

Below, the city was bustling: Sevillanos riding pillion on their raucous little scooters, dodging tapas-hungry tourists who, despite their computerized guides, still wandered lost in the maze of the Barrio Santa Cruz, marvelling at the prodigal orange trees casting fruit on the cobbles, sighing over the romance of it all, linking arms, and looking out for authentic flamenco.

That was when she built herself a computerized drum machine, programming it to write and play its own intersecting polyrhythms, using insanely complex weighting algorithms to make it stay with the stuff she finds pleasing.

Terrorist organizations often supplied the convicted amputees among their members with realistic computerized prosthesesbut such mechanical devices could not pass spaceport inspections or other security checks.

Sunset Boulevard, with a scalp rich in astroturf, a mouthful of cobalt and Strontium 90 and a million bucks of computerized courting-tackle, this bionic bullybag nestling between my thighs.

Highly trained personnel, in matching aquamarine uniforms, manned computerized control consoles situated around and ahead of the central platform.

As the feelies went commercial, she rapidly became the uncrowned queen of computerized sex.

Britt, it seems to me that those gypsies are probably part of some computerized coven that is using the Stonehenge ruins for worship .

Early testing indicates that computerized analysis is more accurate and produces fewer inconclusive results than human-administered tests.

The New York Times had long since put all its microfilmed records into computerized form and for Alexander it was not at all a difficult task to tap into that information.

They are all microfilmed and computerized and we can go back for a century or more.

Despite the range of computerized equipment on the dock, from overhead-tracking forklifts that could shift multi-ton reactor cores to tweezerlike micromanipulators capable of extracting the black specks of monocloned seed stock from radiation-resistant transport gel, there was still a need for the kind of sheer muscle mass that could break open a wooden packing crate from one of the low-tech trading worlds.