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  1. 1 Having undergone computerisation. 2 Functioning upon or through the medium of computers; digital. alt. 1 Having undergone computerisation. 2 Functioning upon or through the medium of computers; digital. v

  2. (en-past of: computerise)


adj. stored, processed, analyzed, or generated by computer [syn: computerized]

Usage examples of "computerised".

Sarah came through the crowd to dance with Garrett, making the woman with the computerised husband scowl.

Molineux made his way from the computerised intestines of the command centre, up in the lift to the waiting policeman.

With regard to the computerised wobble-strike, there could only be sixteen people to choose from: the overriders, fifteen Thinkers and Pertra.

He set the turrets on the computerised fuel-flow, then the turbines began to wind up.

We then went 'live' and unscripted - and usually alone - into a very small studio where we ourselves placed the computerised weather symbols on the background screen map of Britain.

There were computerised programs and printers to be had, but the old technology worked perfectly, as it had for a hundred years, and he couldn't afford to scrap the old and to install the new, which often went wrong anyway, and one couldn't guard against maniacs like Usher Rudd.

You'll never prevail against the big bastards of computerised organisations that are kindly letting you enjoy the illusion of freedom.