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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Compactness \Com*pact"ness\, n. The state or quality of being compact; close union of parts; density.


n. the state of being compact

  1. n. the spatial property of being crowded together [syn: concentration, density, denseness] [ant: distribution]

  2. the consistency of a compact solid

Usage examples of "compactness".

Though the episode I am about to describe took place some six years after the commencement of the constitutional Home Rule agitation, I think it well, as it was connected with Fenianism, for the sake of compactness, to introduce it here.

UK basic compactness and circular shape of the hubs makes them ideal defensive positions both from a military and magic point of view, and we have a less than cohesive force.

Whatever decorator had chosen all the lavender and teal furnishings of the rest of the ship, the bridge remained functional, if almost toylike in its bright, shiny, compactness.

Among the mammals compactness reaches the extreme, and one set of cells entirely encloses the other.

At a time when most people -- even the poor -- seem feverishly intent on building up their homes, maximizing both ornate space and possessions, she preferred spartan compactness.