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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a collaborative/cooperative effortformal (= with different people or groups working together)
▪ This was a collaborative effort involving the three largest energy companies.
▪ In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
▪ Language is a collaborative activity Meaning arises as much from what listeners hear as what speakers intend to say.
▪ Thus evaluation will be a collaborative activity, based on the School Development Plan.
▪ The early deadline gave little time for meetings and collaborative effort, or a very considered response to the new timetabling arrangements.
▪ When it came time for his second album, he decided to make it a collaborative effort.
▪ All of these initiatives demonstrate the fact that the need to pool resources is spurring the library community to greater collaborative efforts.
▪ But from the start, feature animation was a collaborative effort.
▪ Since their Nobel lectures describe one collaborative effort, I suggest that we listen to them without interruption.
▪ Members are involved in collaborative projects within Oxford, nationally and internationally. 8.
▪ Baker is keen on more collaborative projects in key technologies.
▪ Sticks and Stones, itself a collaborative project, has no script, and was devised in a series of theatre workshops.
▪ The group agree to develop more collaborative projects.
▪ These centres will be composed of several research teams, usually local, that focus on defined collaborative projects.
▪ A well-established and successful mechanism for developing and transferring new technology is through collaborative projects and industrial clubs.
▪ Out of this, a collaborative research network was born.
▪ Delighted Bangor principal Professor Eric Sunderland said the money would be used for two projects involving quality and collaborative research initiatives.
▪ The seminars are intended to act as the basis for developing a future programme of collaborative research in the periphery.
▪ We require information from the Science Strategy Group as to their views on the future of collaborative research projects.
▪ In addition, it is expected that the work will lead to developments in collaborative research between researchers and teachers.
▪ The next step will be to set up collaborative research projects, under the Science and Engineering Research Council.
▪ The international aims of the symposia are the following: To promote inter-institutional collaborative research.
▪ The research represents the second stage of cross-national collaborative studies undertaken by colleagues working in education in a number of countries.
▪ These multiauthor and collaborative studies were accorded 13 authors in the analyses.
▪ However, despite an increase in collaborative ventures criticisms have been made of this form of organisation.
▪ The project being proposed by the Commission would put up £450 million for collaborative work in computers and automation.
▪ One of the most powerful forms of learning to which I was exposed on my course was active collaborative work.
▪ In fact, the new installations of the collections in Denver were the collaborative work of curators, designers and educators.
▪ This sense of collaborative work - within agreed parameters - is a key to good control and good drama.
▪ The activities would demand collaborative work, role allocation and sharing.
▪ a collaborative youth training program involving several businesses
▪ A manager's main task is to coordinate the collaborative efforts of a number of people.
▪ The new system was the product of a collaborative project between Apple and IBM.
▪ But from the start, feature animation was a collaborative effort.
▪ In other collaborative activities individuals take turns in sitting vigilantly alert while others feed, thereby functioning as watchdogs or guards.
▪ Little by little, a collaborative response appeared.
▪ Members are involved in collaborative projects within Oxford, nationally and internationally. 8.
▪ Now I needed his help in order to get started again, and we took up once more our old collaborative writing habits.
▪ The state bureaucracy works very closely with firms to implement a comprehensive, collaborative strategy for economic growth.
▪ Williams is working on a collaborative anthology on the relationship between Mormons and the land.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

collaborative \col*lab"o*rat*ive\, a. accomplished by collaboration; cooperative; as, collaborative effort of industry and the universities. Opposed to competitive.


a. Of, relating to, or done by collaboration. n. (context management English) An organized group of people or entities who collaborate towards a particular goal


adj. accomplished by collaboration; "collaborative research"

Usage examples of "collaborative".

Thus was born the Vicious Circle, a group of professional and semiprofessional writers who got together to critique stories, talk shop, and develop collaborative ideas.

All of the great forest rings and startreespheres had been collaborative efforts with these two alien races which had joined forces with the Ousters and Templars during the Fall of the Hegemony.

It is much more common to obtain a collaborative majority report of two precogs, plus a minority report of some slight variation, usually with reference to time and place, from the third mutant.

Technologies such as digital video teleconferencing, virtual whiteboards, and even 3D virtual environments where commanders may participate in collaborative planning sessions will become important.

Urgent negotiations would be opened with the United States over genuinely collaborative access to recent advances in space exploration.

Technologies such as web communities, chat, and e-mail enable massive collaborative efforts.

With e-books, content will once more become a collaborative effort, as it has been well into the Middle Ages.

PG is a prime example of two phenomena characteristic to the early Internet: collaborative efforts and volunteering.

He made jokes when Richardson dryly admitted that in all honesty, the construct was closer to a collaborative oil painting than it was to the real Jackson Bierley.

With this, it would not take long for the distributed processing-power and collaborative ingenuity of the world's hackers and geeks to pry open the secrets of every military and security establishment on Earth.

It was a style of collaborative work I'd not encountered before, and it was as addictive as a well-designed game.

It seems to be some kind of optic lobe hack that accesses a collaborative database of eigenfaces, with some sort of side interface to Broca's region.

Spiritual growth is a collaborative effort between you and the Holy Spirit.

For a time, I felt that because the NJO was shaping up to be such a collaborative effort, it would be best to plot each book and have one person serve as story editor.

In addition to his nationally best-selling techno-thriller novels about Mike Harmon, his novels for Baen include the novels in the New York Times best-selling Posleen War series (A Hymn Before Battle, Gust Front, When the Devil Dances, and Hell's Faire), the Council War series (There Will be Dragons, Emerald Sea, Against the Tide, and East of the Sun, West of the Moon), the novel Into the Looking Glass, four collaborations with fellow New York Times bestselling author David Weber (March Upcountry, March to the Sea, March to the Stars and We Few) and three collaborative spinoffs from the Posleen series: Hero (with Michael Z.